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Publisher's Backpage - Avoid Dying Dinosaurs

Publisher's Backpage - Avoid Dying Dinosaurs

By: Ernest Hancock

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” " Jimi Hendrix 
For the World to Know Peace the opportunities that are rapidly coming available to us must be met with the Power of Love, or we likely won’t experience any lasting benefit. 
Only hours from proofing and finalizing the December Edition of Freedom’s Phoenix Digital Magazine I sit down to share. January’s edition will be focused on 2012 Predictions. So you’ll have to wait for next month’s edition to get your fill of of the coming fall of an empire that will consume our thoughts and actions. And maybe… instead of trying to ‘count coup’ (Link on a dying dinosaur coughing up blood and thrashing its deadly tail around, maybe we should just take a step back.

“In the End Freedom Always Wins,… It just gets really messy first”.

Many of us have long hoped for an awakening of ‘the masses’ where the majority of the planet would understand the world as we do. Well,… how did we think that was going to happen? 
Each of us has a story about our inner ‘Sleeper’ being awakened. Often it was an injustice perpetrated or allowed or ignored or encouraged or protected by a government agent/policy/law that often prompted our pulling of a single thread that would unravel all that we had been conditioned to believe. 
Well, I think the unraveling has begun for ‘Generation Next’, across the entire planet.
Inside the Heads of Children: 
It wasn’t until the late 80’s that I began to question everything represented as truth by those with Titles of Nobility/Shiny Badges/Guns. It was also about this time that I realized something that has continued to bother me. 
My first child was born in 1985 and my fourth in 1989. When my oldest was old enough to understand I remember making a point of explaining that her Grandma Hancock was _my_ mother. I take time now with my young grandchildren, 18 months and 30 months, to explain with pictures that their father is our son. This is an important task for me because I remember that this was not explained to me as a 3 year old when my parents moved to Central Florida where my father’s family lived. It was explained to me that my ‘grandmother’ would be watching me and my two younger sisters during the day. It was days or even weeks later before I learned that my grandmother even knew my father when he was young. I’m sure that this isn’t that rare an occurrence… but now for the rest of the story. 
It wasn’t until after becoming increasingly aware of the evils of government in general that I realized the importance of my reasons for making sure that my children (and now my grandchildren) understand our relationship with each other at a very early age. Because,… I thought the Police assigned children their grandmother.
I don’t remember why I thought this. But I still remember the conversation with my grandmother. I was playing in front of the old B&W TV with some old metal toys that were my fathers. My grandmother commented that my father use to play with them when he was my age. I asked, “You knew my daddy when he was little?” Yes, of course I did, I’m his mother. What?!!,… a minor detail that simply wasn’t ever explained to me. I just assumed that the police (government) assigned ‘grandmothers’. 
Not wanting my children to make the same mistake, I often took the time to explain the relationship between people in our family to my children.  
I share this story because that happened to me in about 1964. If a 3 year old child had the concept that government authority could assign ANYTHING (especially grandmothers) to little boys almost 50 years ago, how much has this invasion into our minds advanced since then? 
For the last 20 years or so this realization has haunted me and is one of the drivers for my attempt to encourage as many minds as possible to ask the fundamental questions about the proper role (if any) for government in our lives at any level. 
Several individuals that I highly respect in the freedom movement, that are likely known by many of you reading this, have made a point of expressing their concerns about the U.S. Senate voting overwhelmingly for the ability of the United States Military to arrest individuals here in the United States of America and send them away for torture and or death without trial. Many of them were very surprised and frightened by this decent into an obvious Police State. But many experienced activists expected such a step on our way to freedom,… I know I did. 
So if you have been expressing a desire for the people of America to be awakened to the totalitarianism storming the beaches of the American Experiment… well, you just might be getting your wish. 
Every American alive today has been exposed to a lifetime of relentless propaganda and conditioning that would make George Orwell blush. But there is always hope. And hope is often seen as a weakness by those that advocate for a direct confrontation with society’s blood suckers or their ‘familiars  
Freedom Advocates have always been segmented into various groupings of methods and goals that are often in conflict each other… but that seems to be changing. Liberty can only be attained from a foundation of… well, liberty. 
To promise liberty via a new form of government that begins with the involuntary surrender of property to fund the next ‘promise giver’ means defeat before you even got started. Now I know that there will be all sorts of mental gymnastics on display in an attempt to justify the theft, but for most of us it’s a non-starter. 

Those who advocate for the vanquishing of foes and the dispensing of justice for all of the wrongs done humanity by various government agents are given a great deal of help by the actions of uniformed thugs. But I wish to pursue another line of thought.
“Self defense” can be expanded into an advocacy for ‘preemptive war’ by freedom advocates as easily as it has been done by governments. Actions of government at every level I can imagine has made the argument for full blown revolution difficult to counter,… but I wish to try in this season of Peace and Hope. Until I am face to face with an unavoidable decision to protect the life of myself or another I choose to treat the thugs of government as the victims that they are.  
More often than most freedom intellectuals, I am on the front lines face to face with the militarized drones of The State. And the one thing that I am certain of… they are not happy. Anger may come easy to many but in general I can say that they are not happy to be there, not happy with the job they have been assigned, not happy with their commanders, not happy with how some of their fellow officers act,... No Sir… Not Happy! 
My experience has been that the more they experience love and respect from those that simply refuse to yield their rights without hate or resistance, the clearer it is that we are not the source of their unhappiness. 
The best example of this technique comes from our good friend and freedom fighter, 79 year old Julian P. Heicklen. Here is a man that fully understands the power of a message. The message, to his oppressors, isn’t the spreading of the truth about Jury Nullification, it’s about what The State (and its thugs) are willing to do to keep his fellow human beings from the truth. For the same reasons FreedomsPhoenix is very supportive of the work done by ( Ademo Freeman and Pete Eyre can be counted on to take a blow for freedom so that the exposure of the tyranny is clean and clear. 
So when are we going to stand and FIGHT? Well,… we are.
I am of the firm belief that Big Bad Bubba wants us to fight (and die en masse) in the quest for… whatever. It serves their purposes on many levels. It would be like us declaring a ‘War on Terrorism’. Take out as many terrorists (government thugs) as you can and you still have to deal with what manufactured them in the first place. 
National news was made out of Phoenix, Arizona this month when the local Fusion Center claimed that “Occupy Phoenix” was advocating the ‘Shooting of Cops’  The truth was far more damaging to the credibility of the government. The attempt to smear the Occupiers backfired and exposed the command structure of militarized local police for all to see (with the help of local activist, Larken Rose and But the writings of Larken Rose startled many into thinking about something that the government had not intended. 
Larken’s article, “When Should You Shoot a Cop“  essentially came down to, ‘sometime BEFORE the door on the cattle car is shut’. Without actually reading more than the headline, the local branch of Homeland Defense popularized an article that was likely the last one I would think they would like promoted all over the TV, Radio, Newspapers and Internet here in the Valley of the Sun. 
So while I am very sympathetic to the ability to protect yourself and your rights, I can not advocate something that I am not willing to wholeheartedly do myself,… seeking and destroying a symptom. 
My efforts are focused on Striking at the Root. I’m of the opinion that we all suffer from a lack of information and a simple understanding of what is really happening and who/what is responsible. Free and informed minds are certain to find their own solutions without lazily succumbing to the demand that they give up more time or treasure for the ‘certain solution’ advocated by the newest charismatic figure with the latest “Plan”. 
I look forward to a future traveling across the country visiting communities like a bee visiting flower after flower never seeing the same type more than once but being just as satisfied with the unique sustenance enjoyed by each. Yes, I expect that there will be very common traits, but I’m just old enough to remember traveling in the 60’s across the country on local state roads that had communities of diversity and charm. The only variations we have now from state to state are which mass produced and framed prints are on the wall of the chain restaurants at the end of the off ramp. 
Even if we knew exactly who the few thousand key individuals were behind every evil done the vast majority of the people on this planet, their elimination would only change the faces behind the masks of oppression. We are the problem, and we are also a very potent solution. I have been paying attention for 20 years now and I have never seen so much fear in the faces of governments than I do right now. This also makes them very dangerous,… even to each other. 
I advocate a victory of thriving, by avoiding government as much as possible and watching as every level of government, and those dependent on them, turn on each other in the frenzy of a violent game of “King of the Hill”. If “winning” means I must take on the traits of those I despise then I don’t think that I would enjoy the person that I would have to become, nor be an example for my family. 
So, for the last year my family has accumulated as much information as we can on farming, raising livestock, gardening in various ways and associating with others that are willing to share with us their knowledge as much as we are willing to share with them. The August Edition of Freedom’s Phoenix eZine was to that very end 
It was just yesterday that I was sent the link to the video “ThriveMovement”. (link to ) The presentation was over two hours and all I could think about was how these people have come to many of the same conclusions we voluntarists have but from such a different direction. I’m in communication with them now to schedule an Interview before January’s Edition to examine their base principles. But the promotion of the Non-Aggression Principle and Ludwig Von Mises in a package that was inviting to both the left and the right gives me hope, even when the leadership is from one of the richest families in the world. Just another flower to visit :) 
A great “reset” is coming and humanity has an opportunity unique in all of recorded history, a mass understanding of what happened, how, who was responsible, why and what we can do to avoid the same mistakes long enough to evolve past the need for rulers. Even the total demolition of the Internet will only create a better method of communication between individuals (what that is I have no idea :). If you are reading this eZine on your Smartphone or via a Tablet device or received a copy of this Enhanced PDF via email or provided as a file on a memory stick, then you understand just how information can not be denied those that want it (one of the many reasons we chose to pursue this technology :) 
Those that have ‘debt enslaved’ humanity require our cooperation to maintain the illusion of dominion. I advocate the removal of consent and a rebuilding of a culture of peace on the ashes of history from a fire that we didn’t start. 
Does it have to be more complicated than that? 

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