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Sarah Palin's top advisor outed as PNAC ("New Pearl Harbor") director

Vanity Fair recently ran a story titled Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury, in which they noted "The small inner circle that shapes Palin’s voice day to day includes lobbyist Randy Scheunemann, a director of the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century, who advises Palin on foreign affairs,..."

The official PNAC website features a bio of Scheunemann, stating "Randy Scheunemann is a foreign policy and national security analyst based in Washington D.C. In 2002, he founded the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (CLI) to promote freedom for the Iraqi people. He served as pro bono President and Executive Director of CLI until its mission was completed in 2003. In 2001, Scheunemann served as a consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defense. From 1999-2000, Scheunemann served as Defense and Foreign Policy Coordinator for the "McCain 2000" presidential campaign. During 1996, Mr. Scheunemann was a senior adviser to Republican Presidential Candidate Bob Dole and served on the 1996 Republican Platform Committee. Previously, Mr. Scheunemann served as National Security Adviser to Senate Republican and Majority Leaders Bob Dole and Trent Lott from 1993-99."  Scheunemann is also identified as one of four Board of Directors on the PNAC site

Information Clearinghouse offers a summary of  the infamous PNAC document 'Rebuilding America's Defenses', which focused on 'preserving American preeminence', 'Securing Global Hegemony', and launching numerous wars in the middle east against the so-called 'Axis of Evil', while setting up a 'homeland defense' at home.

The original document 'Rebuilding America's Defenses' can be found in its' entirety here. On page 63/90, PNAC wrote "Further, the process of transformation,even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor." Signatories included Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, and Dov Zakheim. The document points out "The above list of individuals participated in at least one project meeting or contributed a paper for discussion. The report is a product solely of the Project for the New American Century and does not necessarily represent the views of the project participants or their affiliated institutions."
