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IPFS News Link • Military

South Korea searches for rocket debris

 in north korea today there were celebrations honoring the 100th birthday of the country's founder. more from richard engel live for us in north korea. slight delay, richard, good morning to you or rather evening where you're at. the worry is a nuclear test to try to recoup that failure of the failed rocket launch here. another oldie, if you will, from the north korean playbook. what's expected, how have north koreans reacted to what has happened as well?
reporter: well, they are reacting, richard, and it is evening here with a show of patriotism. they are doubling down on this cult of personality. first off, on the ships, those south korean warships are scouring the waters. they are looking, in particular, for pieces that could reveal intelligence. in particular, the engines and the guidance system could provide a great deal of intelligence.

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