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IPFS News Link • Inventions

Spider-Man Fan Built His Own Webshooting Gloves

•, Eric Eisenberg
But while some of the most important aspects of the character are really unattainable in our universe, the same cannot be said about all of the characteristics. Take, for example, the work being by German craftsman Patrick Priebe. As you can see in the video above it actually is possible to create a wrist-mounted apparatus that shoots out a harpoon and a line of string strong enough to tug on. 
Preventing this from being the fully real deal is the fact that Pribe has yet to invent a special sticky, webbing-like polymer to fire out instead of a small hook and string, but perhaps we just have to give him time. What he has created is rather awesome all by itself, however. the device is powered by electromagnetics and clearly took a very skilled mind to create.