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Associated pRess

Texas law enforcement officers faced off with men dressed as Mexican Army soldiers and apparent drug suspects near the US-Mexican border, after 3 SUVs attempted to flee state authorities across the banks of the Rio Grande

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Washington Times

While the Mexican government has vigorously denied that its military is crossing into the US, Rep. Rick Renzi said that during a tour of the Arizona border showed him military-style humvees lining up at dusk just south of the border to move drugs int

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Citizen News Service (not on Abramoff's payrol

Canadian Ambassador Frank McKenna demanded an apology and retraction from Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT) who claimed that the terrorists who struck on 9/11, entered the US from Canada, and the Canadian border is a prime route for drug runners and criminals

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The Minuteman Project was launched earlier this year amid fears that racist crackpots would rough up illegal immigrants trying to slip into this country. Since then, the Minuteman movement has taken hold, with one of the movement's co-founders ma

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Canadian Press

Canada has no interest in a new US initiative to study building a security wall along the border, officials said. And a cross-border business group said it makes no sense when what's urgently required are measures to speed the flow of trade.

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Associated Press

House Republicans tried to close ranks Thursday on an immigration bill that some complained was not tough enough and others said was inadequate because it failed to include a guest worker program.

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A group that is trying to tighten the standards for obtaining driver's licenses has come under fire for plans to post a billboard with a picture of an Arab clutching a grenade and a North Carolina license.

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Vastly expand an employer verification system, increase civil and criminal penalties for knowingly hiring or employing an illegal worker, declare street gang members from foreign countries inadmissible and subject to deportation. Authorize the attor

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President Bush tried to balance differences in his own Republican Party over illegal immigration by rejecting amnesty and calling for a hardened Mexico border but also vowing the United States would remain "a welcoming society."

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Arizona Daily Star

The Department of Homeland Security announced a new plan to secure the nation's borders with Mexico and Canada, hinging its latest effort on a temporary worker program, more agents and more resources on the border. Yawn. Heard it all before.

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Murdoc Online Blog

Members of the Stryker Brigade needed training in a desert setting. Border Patrol agents along the U.S.-Mexican border needed help stopping the flow of illegal drugs and immigrants. When the two sides joined forces earlier this winter....

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What is interesting is how it is only government programs that cause us all to suffer from “more customers.” In a free market the more customers there are the better. Both social and economic engineering has sapped the life force from the most produc