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Late Monday night, the White House announced Obama intends to introduce legislation that would drastically reform the way the NSA collects "metadata" from Americans' phone calls. By doing this, Snowden said Obama admitted the NSA's bulk data

Article Image, by kevink

Make sure to watch at least from the 12:19 mark until the end of the video (about 2 1/2 minutes later). To whet your appetite, below I transcribed the beginning of James Corbett's commentary (without giving anything away). Please watch the video thou

Article Image, By Gary North

This month, a campaign in Canada is challenging the government’s 9-11 story. I am in favor of this, both as a professionally trained historian and as a believer in a general policy of examining official government positions.


The CIA must face claims over withheld records related to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Sen. Robert Kennedy, a federal judge ruled.

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