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Lew Rockwell blog

Ann Sterzinger's insightful review of Phil Stanford' excellent book, White House Call Girl, is superb. Stanford has written what I believe to be the best examination of the real Watergate Scandal story, one which is perfectly compatible with my own t

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Associated Press

Marking the eve of the centennial of the beginning of World War I in their own way, Bosnian Serbs on Friday unveiled a monument in their part of Sarajevo to the man who ignited the war by assassinating the Austro-Hungarian crown prince on June 28, 19

Article Image, By David Swanson

Iraq was saved from ignorant subhuman barbarism by a gentlewoman named Gertrude at the time that the civilized nations of the world were, in a quite advanced and sophisticated manner, slaughtering their young men in a project now called the First Wor

Article Image, By Dr. Gunnar Thompson

The persistent academic argument concerning early voyages to the New World ends with an examination of the cartographic evidence.

Article Image, by Sheldon Richman

World War II is often viewed as the last good war. In contrast to the wars that followed it — Korea and Vietnam, primarily World War II is said to have had a clear purpose: the smashing of Nazism and fascism and all the horrible things for which they

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Instead of liberating the slave, the Lincolnian war on Southern secession put every human in the tax jurisdiction known as the USA in shackles that have grown heavier and more oppressive by the decade since.