Article Image Hanging For Economic Recovery


II. War Criminals To Hang: The Choking Cherries

Written by Edwin Sumcad Subject: Economy - Economics USA

      It cannot be denied that the hunt for “war criminals” is vastly rich of preys to go after. It is not an “anemic” hunting game with only Bush in the rifle sight to shoot at and bring home to adorn the wall as a prize trophy.

       Hundreds of thousands of intelligence and homeland security officers and soldiers obeyed their Commander-In-Chief’s orders to commit “war crimes”.  To me there was no doubt that those guys in uniform were patriots; they put their lives on the line, enough to make cynics realize that they are ready to die for the fatherland, but to Obama-Pelosi Bush hunters and based on the legal philosophy they publicly announced in print and on television shows – those “willing participants” actually committing Bush’s “crime against humanity” must be prosecuted and if found guilty must be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

        Many Americans have their tongues hanging out in total disbelief as to why in this time of financial scarcity and economic hardship one of the Obama administration’s priorities in uncontrollable spending spree is for the creation of armed militia in black and detention camps across the country. These are to be used in times of “emergency”. 

        Think of members of the U.S. Armed Forces, homeland security officers, agents of FBI, CIA and covert search-and-destroy commandos with no names, that one way or another, are going to be hunted down as Bush’s conspirators in committing these abominable “crimes against humanity”. Indeed, we have a horrifying “national emergency” if they are to confront Obama’s fully armed peacekeepers eyeball-to-eyeball. Those who blink first are going to be casualties of this civil war that looms darkly in the horizon.      

        But I bet that our still living presidents may not cause trouble to this administration’s covert law enforcers.  These living presidents had also led wars and accused of “war crimes” and “genocide”, but I think being old now they would just go voluntarily and peacefully straight to any nearby detention camp lead by Obama himself who will also be “investigated” as active participants and conspirators for the alleged commission of “war crimes”, and when tried and found guilty hanged by the neck until dead.

        And if this is to become the main preoccupation of the day under the Obama administration, the rope and lariat industry will perhaps be the only businesses that will experience “an economic boom” in the midst of today’s 1920s gloom and doom. 

     For, indeed, there will be pervasive multiple hangings in all parts of the country. The demand for a hangman’s noose made of abaca rope and synthetic threads or materials will create a nationwide Keynesian aggregate demand that would arrest the economic downturn and trigger the much needed recovery.

      Is this a pundit’s joke? Not at all if there are those who believe that the rope economic incentive is a much better alternative to this on-going trillion-dollar robbery where the people’s tax money goes to the pockets of criminals who committed egregious “economic crimes”.  Their necks actually more than deserved the hangman’s rope.

     But here comes the “kill joy”.  In the House hearing committee, CIA director nominee Leon Panetta assured Congress that no intelligence officer would be prosecuted for “war crimes”.  Only the heads of those who “ordered the war crime” are in the chopping block.  They are only after Bush, the top dog of “war crimes”.

      And that was the first remarkable message of Obama’s CIA director-to-be to terrorists in behalf of his administration.  Under this new liberal-socialist regime, the Panetta doctrine of political hot pursuit aptly called “Panattasm” means the Obama administration is only after Osama bin Laden, the head of terrorism, not those cutthroat assassins under his leadership command who did the criminal act of mass murder and wanton destruction, just as they are only after Bush, not those who committed the crime under his order as Commander-In-Chief.

      This latest development in the political front forced me once again to climb the belfry to ring the bell of alarm: Every American must prepare for “dirty bombs” that could blow up Los Angeles or New York to kingdom come.  For, under the Obama regime, “Panettasm” sees to it that terrorists are legally free to do their worst. If arrested, they would not even be prosecuted.

        Panetta had already announced this assurance in Congress to all and sundry.  He spilled the beans of what lurks behind the campaign to get Bush. In effect this legal excuse behind the “hang-Bush” campaign applies to the “get-Osama-bin-Laden” campaign… they are only after Osama bin Laden who orders the carnage those Islamic assassins and terror hirelings commit.  It may sound sickening, but that’s the mentality of the power that governs.

      How about this sing-along legality that those caught violating the law must be prosecuted a.k.a. persecuted to the fullest extent of the law?  Well, they spit out the exception when they swallow hook and sinker what they said about the dictate of the law as a reason to tenaciously pursue the investigation of those who commit “war crimes.”

      The other day, I had this one of the most terrifying scares of my life. I watched a 3-year old baby swallow a mouthful of cherries with all the seeds that almost choked the little toddler to death.

       What came back to me in split seconds was that vivid picture of Saddam Hussein … turning blue and breathless while hanging and struggling at the end of the rope like a hooked fish in dry land. 

       Luckily, after less than a minute or so of contorted bodily struggle which seemed to have lasted longer than eternity, the baby discharged the choking seeds out of his mouth.  I couldn’t forget this incredible smile of relief as if he was saying to everybody that what he had coughed out was the exception to what he had scooped into his mouth that could not and should not be swallowed for the sake of survival.  

       Dying of asphyxiation by choking is, like hanging by the neck at the end of the rope, not only painful but also in the eyes of God, a disgraceful way of ending life.  Judas hanged himself in a nearby tree.  The stigma of betrayal and treachery is never looked at with favor even in the afterlife.

      Obama’s legal centurions who do not leave any single stone unturned in their quest for a presidential  investigation to hang President Bush swallowed hook and sinker the mandate of the law that anyone – anybody regardless who that might be -- violating the law must be prosecuted to the fullest.  But they are spitting out the legal exception: At least CIA agents that actually committed “war crimes” for Bush, will not be prosecuted.

       The Obama cult in power has introduced a new legalese I just described – “Panettasm”.  This emerging mentality in legalism may be difficult for the layman to understand but it is there ready to be used to political advantage.  To the eyes of rabid followers now known as “Obamaniacs”, the new pro-people liberal-socialist government must always appear politically correct. That would induce smiles in the faces of those who voted for Obama in the last presidential election that are getting trite, corny and sour as the days roll by.

       This roaring segment of the American public waving a sea of flaglets for change in front of TV cameras loves Panetta as the cry baby who choked up with cherries. 

        As CIA Director [only to become the CIA Director at this writing], Panetta will survive any character assassination attempt within Obama’s treacherous mutual admiration club the moment the political sailing turns from calm to rough while his boss – Obama himself – hangs with the rest of the presidents who were all in pari delicto in committing “war crimes”.

              For the final ingredient to this menu of absurdities I just broiled to feed those joining this presidential hanging expedition, I would like to add a spice of immortality borrowed from John Wayne’s cliché -- war is tough, but it is a lot tougher to those who are deliberately stupid.  #

© Copyright Edwin A. Sumcad. Access February 10, 2009.

The writer is an award-winning journalist.  Know more about the author by reading his published editorials and feature articles or you may e-mail your comment to