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Obama: Demagogue-in-Chief

Written by Subject: Obama Administration

Obama: Demagogue-in-Chief

by Stephen Lendman

His remarks make painful listening, misinformation and Big Lies substituting for hard truths, all demagoguery all the time, mocking legitimate leadership.

On 9/11, he failed to explain America murdered its own, state terror bearing full responsibility. 

Parties blamed for that fateful day's high crime had nothing to do with what happened - convenient patsies to divert attention from the mother of all false flags.

Addressing a memorial service at the Pentagon, Obama disgracefully reinvented history. He mocked and denigrated millions America killed by naked aggression, related violence, preventable diseases, starvation and overall deprivation in nations America attacked.

Obama: "(W)e've dealt devastating blows to al Qaeda."

Fact: America created and/or supports virtually all terrorist groups, including al Qaeda.

Obama: "We've strengthened our homeland security."

Fact: DHS is America's gestapo, a police state apparatus instituted post-9/11.

Obama: "We've prevented attacks. We've saved lives…(We're) doing everything in our power to protect this country…"

Fact: Truth is polar opposite. Never before in US history were Americans less safe - from their own government at the federal, state and local levels.

Obama: "Groups like al Qaeda, like ISIL…will never be able to defeat a nation as great and as strong as America."

Fact: They're US foot soldiers, waging imperial wars OF terror on victims in countries Washington targeted, others to come.

Obama: "We will preserve our freedoms and the way of life that makes us a beacon to the world."

Fact: America is a fascist police state, the most reviled nation on earth for good reason.

On Tuesday, Obama was at it again, in Philadelphia campaigning for Hillary, his main partner in high crimes while she was at State.

He recited his usual litany of Big Lies - with emphasis on bashing Trump and Vladimir Putin, calling Russia's leader "Donald Trump's role model. He loves this guy…He's out there praising (him), saying he's a strong leader because he invades smaller countries, jails his opponents, controls the press, and drives his economy into recession."

Unwittingly or otherwise, Obama described America, not Russia, under him, George Bush and Bill Clinton - a generation of endless horrors at home and abroad under their leadership.

Obama way overstepped comparing Putin's high approval rating (80% in a new Russian Public Opinion Fund poll) to Saddam Hussein "90% poll rating," a despicable tactic to compare one leader to the other negatively this way, saying:

"If you control the media and you've taken away everybody's civil liberties, and you jail dissidents, that's what happens" - a good description of America, not Russia.

Trump was right calling Putin a "stronger leader" than Obama. He's on the right side of history, supporting world peace and stability, democratic values and mutual cooperation among all nations.

US policy under rogue leadership heading neocon infested Washington is polar opposite - humanity's greatest threat.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at 

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