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Undemocratic Dems Raise the Bar to Silence Tulsi Gabbard

Written by Subject: United States

Undemocratic Dems Raise the Bar to Silence Tulsi Gabbard

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

So-called US political debates are largely pre-scripted exercises in self-promotion theater without meaningful substance. 

Multiple rounds of presidential debates are far removed from what real debates are supposed to be with ideas freely aired and exchanged, beliefs challenged, truths sought, critical thinking stimulated, opinions formed, and conclusions reached through free and open dialogue and discussion.

Debates should involve all sides given full opportunity to air views and challenge those of others.

Presidential debates operate by their own rules, wanting news and views filtered, dissent marginalized, consent and conformity manufactured, groupthink sought, the American way promoted, what conflicts with the official narrative silenced.

Rarely do presidential aspirants diverge from standard practice. Tulsi Gabbard is an exception to the rule.

On the wrong side of some issues, she stands tall on most others.

She opposes regime change wars, supports quality healthcare for all, opposes the war on drugs, endorses a woman's right to choose, stands for equality for all and democracy the way it should be, and wants a new Cold War and nuclear arms race ended.

She called for ecosanity, building a green economy for the 21st century, protecting fundamental human and civil rights, and fixing the US criminal/injustice system.

Her remarks in Dem debates she was allowed to participate in were the only ones worth hearing.

So far, she's excluded from the next one on December 19, six aspirants alone "qualified," none representing governance of, by and for everyone equitably, all for dirty business as usual while pretending otherwise.

They include Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

According to rigged Dem rules, others didn't reach 4% support in at least four Dem-approved  polls, or at least 6% support in at least two of four early primaries in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada — based on Dem-approved polls. 

At least 200,000 unique donors and at least 800 unique ones in 20 states or more are required to qualify.

Gabbard slammed the dirty system, saying "(t)here's been a lack of transparency in that whole process about which polls are selected, which aren't, which they're seeing as qualifying, which ones are actually polling," adding:

The rigged criteria destroy voter trust. In Iowa and New Hampshire, "they don't take kindly to seeing how a few people in Washington at the DNC are trying to be the gatekeepers."

"The DNC and their corporate media partners are essentially trying to hijack this election process away from the responsibility that voters have."

Wall Street, the military, industrial, security, media complex, and other monied interests demand things this way.

It's how fantasy democracy in America works, perpetually at war, serving privileged interests exclusively at the expense of world peace and the public welfare.

Elections are farcical when held. If able to change dirty business as usual, they'd be banned.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."