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BOLT of California

[Condensed to fit] ...We were asked by a few motorcyclists to help them with Officer Love in Vacaville, CA. The cop had been making some serious problems for riders in Vacaville, writing many helmet tickets, along with various other types of harassment, and Rights violations. We decided to jump in and get our own tickets, instead of just helping them with their court paperwork. [We] rode to Vacaville to find the helmet ticket writing cop. We found him. Police use intimidation and falsehood as leverage against you. Some who have seen the video consider it a teaching tool. Could be right. Notice how the cops back off when they realize they can't fool you. Now the fun begins. Through court papers we discover how many legal mistakes the cop knew he was making, and how many mistakes he didn't know he was making. Mark Temple Charter Member BOLT of California

News Link • Global Reported By Justin Tyme

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