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American Free Press

“We need a culture of collective responsibility, a culture where every individual understands his or her role,” Janet Napolitano, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, said in a speech in New York.A top US domestic security chief called Wednesday on ordinary citizens to join law enforcement bodies in fighting an increasingly elusive — and homegrown — terrorist threat.  

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Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Apparently, Madam Secretary of the Department of Homeland Scrunity Napolitano has been consulting with one Fidel Castro on matters of national security.  I remember when Castro too told the citizens of Cuba that they had an obligation to spy on each other (of course, he didn't quite phrase it that way but that was the gist), consequently, every neighborhood set up spy rings called "CDRs - Committees for The Defense of The Revolution" (Neighborhood Crime Watch, anyone?) which were composed entirely of old ladies who had nothing to do but gossip.  They would hide inside their dens, lower the shades on their windows and spy on who came and went, at what time, with whom and what they were wearing.  But make no mistake, these bitter old bags were deadly, all they had to do was dislike the clothes you were wearing, be jealous of something you had and they didn't or whatever and they'd go straight to the police station, accuse you of being a 'contra-revolutionary' element and you were starring at a 4x4 catacomb for the rest of your life. 

It's just ironic that governments, no matter what they call themselves:  Communist, Revolutionary, Democratic, Capitalist, Fascist, Catholic, all have the same MO and the same objectives.  

So much hope for those of us who dream of and yearn for justice, freedom and peace, eh?

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