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Comment by Ross Wolf
Entered on:
This article only mentions could happen to certain Northern California communities, alleged dependent on illegal revenues from growing Pot—after CA legalizes marijuana. The author neglected to mention Violence and Murder, a byproduct of the illegal marijuana industry. Or mention that Mexican drug-cartels are increasingly moving into N. California planting large marijuana fields. Seven months ago it was reported a Mexican Drug Cartel broke into a Mexican rehab clinic and shot dead 18 patients. It is problematic U.S. street gangs supported by Mexican Drug Cartels, could murder Americans in this manner. Mexican Drug Cartel gangs now operate in over 230 U.S. Citizens.


During alcohol prohibition, low-level associates of Capone’s crime organization made $200 a day running bootlegged booze in their communities and elsewhere, a lot of money during the Depression. When prohibition ended, those criminals were forced to get “real jobs” paying .30 cents an hour. Subsequently one needed only to look at the many businesses in cities that suddenly closed to determine which businesses relied on selling illegal booze to survive. Presently Mexico’s illegal drug-cartels continue to escalate their violence along and inside U.S. borders killing Americans and their own people. One has to consider that Mexico’s Drug Cartel Wars could get worse, threatening U.S. cities after Mexico’s Pres. Calderon leaves office in 2012. Northern California marijuana growers and their dependent communities should not be allowed to prosper selling illegal marijuana at the expense of the public at large. Don’t cry for the illegal pot-growers and those dependent on their corrupt revenues. Instead tell them to get real-jobs.


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