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Comment by Ned The Head
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Denny! You slayer!

Comment by Ned The Head
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Oyate took a huge hit in reputation for coming out hot and strong against teabaggers (neobaggers, teocons). I think Oyate lost a few friends over this one but he was not so much calling for blood as calling blood. Like "this is gonna get bloody". 

Well here's the blood. And it's the best thing that can happen. There's nothing better for this country than to see a highly public battle from within the conservative ranks. It's a battle only we can fight. And finally some of our real scholars are getting some attention.

My chief observation over the past 4 or 5 years is we're totally freaking disproportionately influential. We're still practically a whisp, a scant fraction, but holy cow, people are listening. I don't know what it seems like to you youngsters, but some of us oldsters are just blushing with all this attention. Oyate is just blown away because he never expected anyone anywhere to take him seriously and I feel about the same.

Comment by Ned The Head
Entered on:

Man what a legendary video. Calling out the co-option cold. Wow.  I never thought much of the Young Turks but that was awesome. What a great way to start the day.

Comment by Ned The Head
Entered on:

Well hells folks, as long as we're influential and fasionable and hip, why don't we have a "look"? I mean we do, but this tricorner hat and knickers thing, that just has to go. I mean it looked pretty feminine at the time and it looks downright faggy now. How can we expect anyone to take us seriously if we're playing dress-up and wearing wigs?

 WIGS for chrissakes. No. Seriously. And the "cammo-commander" look is way played. We are sort of a jeans and t-shirts kind of crowd but it's not terribly distinctive. We need something practical that everybody can afford. Something that wears well in the board room and the weekend deployment. Or maybe we should wear distinctive sunglasses or something. Or adopt a certain way of walking. Kind of like a pimp roll but slouchier like a cowboy. We can't just walk around smiling or everybody will think we're Mormons.

Help me out here people.

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