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Comment by TL Winslow
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Another day, another Saudi dollar in Lendman's pocket? :)

I wondered how long it would take before he started first mentioning then praising Muslims to the skies in an article about Israel that ties them to the word poison. Not very. And such a self-determined, almost theological tone in this rant. Yes, Lendman must be in possession of the absolute truth: the Quran :) That book has long told Muslims all about the evil Jews and how they want to have the Holy Land for themselves but how all good Muslims must stop it no matter what price. Lendman must have had his - and I don't mean Quran.

Yes, Israel has good relations with the U.S., and influences its foreign policy as it should to keep them safe and vice-versa, and is one of our most faithful backers in the U.N. and worldwide. Despite Lendman's fantasies, it's unthinkable that the U.S. would ever cut it loose for the Muslim World or Ummah that's still determined to not only exterminate it but dominate the entire world. For Lendman to call Israelis "racist" when they have been relentlessly and ceaselessly attacked since day one by Muslim Arabs, their genetic brothers, is pretty tawdry. Neither Judaism nor Islam are races, sorry, the Jews started out as a chosen tribe of Semites, the Arabs weren't it, oi vey pass me a matzoh ball.

Oh yes, Lendman lives in a fairy tale world where black is white and white is black as long as he's on the side giving him the green, Arab green. He recently even stated that Muslim Palestinians couldn't have killed comrade Vittorio Arigoni. What kind of balance is left in his brain, none? If given half a chance, the Palestinians would murder every last Jew in Israel and dance in the streets. It's the Jews who show all the restraint. When did Lendman lament the recent murder of the Fogel family in Samaria? I'm still waiting for his piece claiming the Israelis did it, then framed some innocent Muslims and arrested them and got them to confess. In his fairy world, the truth is whatever he makes it up to be for so many dollars per word. The Quran, of course, is sacred to him, untouchable, along with the evil it has caused and is causing; he's too busy lamenting the evil caused by the Talmud.

Sorry, Lendman, Israel is America's canary in the mine. If it goes, we've moved way up the list. Allah is not America's friend. Muslims will never make good Americans any more than they make good neighbors with Israel or anybody else. The poisonous influence on US policy is all by the Muslim enemies of Israel. Israel is our only real friend in the Middle East, now or ever, unless and until Islam is kaput, may that day come soon.

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