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Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

Stevie Wonder is at it again, groan.

Israel is isolating itself? Wrong. Islam is resurging and awakening, isolating it with seething murderous anti-Semitic hate.  I wonder when Lendman will announce his conversion to Islam and begin growing a beard? It's so tiresome to see him turn white black and black white to get his hands on Saudi green.

Let's turn white white and black black and see what happens.

First, it's ISLAM that must be isolated.  Second, it's ANY AND ALL MUSLIMs STATE that should be delegitimized.  Third, EVERY MUSLIM is a potential lone nut gunman, or elected official you can't trust, because they're not batting on your team, they take their orders from a dead god via a dead book written by a dead Hitler who rules from Hell.

Islam must go, it really must go.  It's not hate but love of humanity that requires us to free the 1.x billion victims from this mental virus.

I'm getting through to a few, such as this Swiss parliamentarian. Watch when he says that the Prophet's beard is not for stroking:

Swiss Parliamentarian Wakes Up to Islam's Threat

You can get all the tools free from the Historyscoper at:

The Historyscoper's Islam Watching Pak




Comment by normnip
Entered on:

Lendman does sound too one-sided to me. I gave up reading this article at about the mid-point. However, I don't think the problem is the Qur'an which is probably a true revelation from God but the way it is being interpreted and applied to-day. Like with most religions, it isn't the scripture that is found wanting but its emotional, contentious, adherents who want to control the behavior of others rather than their own through self-sacrificing discipline and forebearance.

As for God's tough fire-and-brimstone approach in the Qur'an, from reading it I understand it to be because God was on the verge of destroying the dishonest hypocritical, polytheistic, infanticidal Arabs of that time of the revelation of the Qur'an, as he had previously destroyed other cultures who had ignored his revelations through messengers. Furthermore the followers of the new Qur'an were being violently attacked by the status quo which included some jews and therefore God wanted them to defend themselves.

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