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Comment by James17
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I've known about these protests, but have not once looked into what they are attempting to get done. I can see some of those crooks that caused the problems the world is facing being arrested for what they knew would happen, just so that they could pocket a lot of fiat monies. But for these people to believe that something will come of all of this is foolish. Big Government has their hands in the pockets of Wall Street and all of those devils in congress have already been paid off to not allow for anything to happen to those Wall Street crooks. Why didn't these same crowds band together like they are doing worldwide to call for an end to those false wars in the Middle East? Why don't they band together to get president worthless out of the White House? I answered that above. Wall Street is putting a lot of fiat money into the pockets of those elected officials in congress and the White House. Not one of those people protesting came from one of those war companies making these WMD's. No, they wouldn't cause something to happen with their paychecks either. What I have mentioned is only part of the reason that I have not looked into what their goals are with these protests. They have zero concern about all of those people in those nations this country and NATO have destroyed so that Big Corporations can go in afterward and rob those nations of their natural wealth. Shame of those protesters for thinking of themselves alone and not having come together for the lives of those innocents in the many nations already destroyed for the same greed they are protesting about coming from Wall Street.

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