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Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The whole question about Ron Paul is the same as every other question about every other politician. The question revolves around PURE TRUST.

Because of the nature of Government, and the natures of people in general (especially politicians), we continually trust other people, based on our experience with them.

If Ron Paul has made mistakes in the honesty regarding his political endeavors, they are far, far fewer than the mistakes of virtually every other politician.

Take a look at the pre-election platforms of every president for the past 50 years. You will find loads, and loads of promises - many straight forward while others by implication. How many of these promises were kept by any president?

Consider Obama's stated pre-election promise that he would get us out of Iraq. When will we be out??? Is it slated for his next term? Consider his implied (and possibly stated) promise that he would keep us out of the rest of the wars. So when is he really going to start fulfilling those promises?

When he was elected, based on those promises and others, how did anybody know for sure that he would fulfill the promises? They didn't!!! EVERY ELECTED POLITICIAN HAS BEEN ELECTED BASED ON PURE TRUST !!!

In the future, would anybody elect Obama based on trusting his promises? Absolutely not! If he gets re-elected, and if it is not done because he has better voting machine hackers or something similar, he will be re-elected for one reason only... that the people can't find anyone they trust more. They might re-elect Obama, but if they do, they will do it grudgingly. And this would be the same scenario for all the presidents of recent past.

There is only one - ONE - major reason that Ron Paul would not be elected. It's because the people do not understand freedom. They are scared of freedom, like they are scared of anything they do not know about. Listen to Jack Nicholson in the movie "Easy Rider."

Whoever gets elect, will be elected based on PURE TRUST. Why? Because nobody ever knows for sure what anybody else will do or attempt to do in the future. But... experience DOES give us a clearer picture.

Comment by Ufactdirt
Entered on:

 Ah, I love to relish on this one. I TRUST PureTrust. He is not talking dirt. Let’s elect Ron Paul not as president of the Nuthouse Association as his foolish debt-tractors – I mean detractors -- suggested, but as the only President of the United States who would amend the Law of Supply and Demand!

As you can see, his Austrian street economics is better than that of his arch enemy – Dr. Bernanke, Professor of Economics and Chairman of the Federal Reserves with a Ph.D. on Economics! Bernanke won’t in a million years ever think of going to Congress and say, "Ladies & Gentlemen, let’s amend this stupid Law of Supply and Demand!"

I would even venture to say that the Congressman presidential candidate from Texas will be the only President that would abolish not faultless but fault-full America as he envisions it today, and create a new United States of Libertarian Americans [USOLA] for the people, with all Federal Government Departments abolished. Congress, the Judiciary and all the people reside in him, the New President of even a Newer USOLA. That would be fun Americans will enjoy only once in their lifetime!

He is the only President who can abolish death – I mean debt that would make every living American happy. Having said that, what more can I say?

The only problem is who should be his VP … Some people even play with dirt. Some jokers recommended Bill Ayers, the former Weather Underground Bomber turned CO [Community-Organizer], Obama’s former off-and-on adviser.

To betray Obama, it was pointed out that RP should offer the retired Underground Bomber turned Community Organizer the vice-presidency. RP should reverse the Story of Eden: This time Eve offering the Apple to the Snake. It was predicted Ayers won’t refuse to bite the apple, snakes don’t.

Presidents are elected by the people not only based on PureTrust and what he said, but also on pulling PURSE-STRINGS here and there PURELY for FOOLING the enemy.

Like PureTrust that can be TRUSTED, Mr. Tan is also right why Ron Paul insists on running for president when his chance of winning according to him is only "when the crow turns white". Well it was said it’s all a show for raising millions of dollars! Television ads and the cost of the campaign is not just highly prohibitive but a nightmare [!] But I assure you that a considerable part of it goes home and parks on somebody’s pocket-garage before he drives whistling on his way to the bank.

These may look like dirt and may sound dirty, but all healthy PUREFOODS for thought!

C’mon, let’s say Ron Paul for 2012!! If he will not win, it’s because you and all Americans are ignorant of Freedom, get it? Wake up America!


Comment by Mike Renzulli
Entered on:

 I would hardly call Paul's newsletters a "mistake" when they were published in his name for five years and members of his family made up the publishing organization's staff.

At best, the candidate in the Republican race that best represented a libertarian was Gary Johnson but libertarians jumped on Paul's bandwagon rather than support the candidate that best reflected their views.

Paul is on a book publishing tour and not a Presidential run. As long as supporters like yourself still continue to drink the Kool Aid he, Rockwell and Woods dish out you all live in denial of his making money off of your support and sanction his cultural conservatism which is not libertarian.

Comment by AntiAcidNo1
Entered on:

I went over the record. How can Ufactdirt be so right in recommending that Bill Ayers, the former Weather Underground Bomber should be President Ron Paul’s Vice President, surprised me.

Philosophically, Ron Paul on record, cuddles terrorists. He saved them from public rage by declaring in public that 911 shouldn’t be blamed on Al Qaeda – it should be blamed on the American people who went to the Middle East and stirred a hornet’s nest.

Likewise, Bill Ayers blamed the American people for his acts of terrorism. Together, Ayers and Paul fit like a glove – President and Vice President whose regime will give Americans the thrill of the lives, which may be aptly described as the "Apocalypse of 2012".

Comment by Kalantiaw
Entered on:

The culture of denying the truth in the Media becomes dangerous when practiced by rogue publishers.

In this eye-catching Guerena case, it is the Alternative Media, run by "rogue" publishers owning websites treated as private properties that was corrupted, not the cops.

You can see it here: Part I: 'SWAT' Killed A Rogue Ex-Marine .... not an "American hero" written by an award-winning journalist Edwin Sumcad read in by millions of worldwide viewers.


Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Everybody dies, sooner or later. This is a given.

The Guerena injustice is only about a dead ex-marine in the second issue. The first issue is 4th Amendment.

In the privacy of his own home, without doing any more violence than possibly, snoring in his sleep, Guerena was gunned down by a bunch of hoodlums who would rather uphold some lying affidavit rather than their oath to uphold the Constitution.

That's the major point of the whole thing. It is the breaking down of foundational law by those who are supposed to uphold it the most. In this case, the foundational law of the 4th Amendment was broken.

Because of this premise being set by Government people - acts against non-violent Americans in their own homes, Guerena isn't the only one - Government is gaining, step by step, the "legal permission" to enter YOUR home, anytime they feel like, and gun YOU down for any or no reason at all, totally against the 4th Amendment.

The only reason that we all have the freedoms that we do today is because, in the past, although it is breaking down rapidly, Government people have been made to stick to the rule of the foundational law above all else. If you claim that you don't want to uphold foundational law, no matter who you are, then you are an advocate of tyranny and anarchy, no matter who you are.

Was Guerena guilty of any crime? Hearsay might say "yes." But we will never really know, because he was executed before he had the chance to stand trial in a court of law, the only place where anyone can be judged guilty.

Comment by Kalantiaw
Entered on:

See what I mean? The culture of self-denial is pervasive it had become a damaging CULTURE that leads one to self-destruction.

For example, you pee in your pants, but you deny it happened. You don’t want people to know that you have a problem. You try to explain that you perspire a lot, and lie that it was perspiration not urine that wet your pants!. You become a liar. Soon you are committed to an Asylum or brought to the home of the retarded, and most likely rot there the rest of your life as a self-destructive pathological liar.

Can you see how self-denial destroys the lying self? The comment below is a classic example of such self-destructive self-deceit. The commenter is like that guy who pee in his pants. He knew very well that on record, the ex-Marine, an active member of a drug-trafficking gang, was shot dead by SWAT operatives when he confronted them WITH A RIFLE in his hands during a raid that was authorized by a legally issued warrant. This pee-guy now lies that the police shot dead an "American hero". What was shot dead was in fact A DRUG-TRAFFICKING HOODLUM. This pee-guy spiced his lie with anti-Government rhetoric, a lot of irrelevant or disconnected blah blah, blah, etc. to make his self-denial sounds convincing as the truth is bastardized.

Attempts to hold the raiding team criminally liable for killing an "American hero" have been filed in Court. Those pee-suits found their way to the urinal and flushed down sewer system. No court of law throughout the land would entertain such trash.

Read the record of this case and you will be shocked to learn how the truth is bastardized to serve the subversive purpose of radical activism.

Once again, I recommend a public-reading of Part I: 'SWAT' Killed A Rogue Ex-Marine .... not an "American hero" written by an award-winning journalist Edwin Sumcad read in by millions of worldwide viewers.

You will be equally enlightened, Ceteris Paribus [same thing].

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

Lying in the Media is an abomination. When a publisher or editor self-denies the truth inimical to his own self-interest, it is not only self-destructive but it also harms the public


I have cited an example. This headline “This Week’s Corrupt Cops Stories


 is a form of Media thuggery. The lying poisons the public. There is no doubt about it. Isolated stories of  “misbehaving” cops have been collected and presented to the public to libel all cops as “corrupt”. Media thugs have a holiday in presenting to the public this kind of falsified report -- abuse of peace officers they wanted to shoot on sight if they could, if not with a gun, with a pen.



Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Furthermore, in this little game of "speech tag" that we play with each other, where we critique each other and criticize each others' points of view, talk about me all you want. We have freedom of speech and freedom of the press in America. It's even guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. But when we start critiquing each other to the point that it becomes slanderous accusations, isn't it time for defamation of character law suits?

In the same way, if someone has slandered the SWAT team members in the Guerena incident, isn't it the right and duty of the SWAT team to bring one or more defamation of character law suits? Wouldn't we be able to get at the truth of the Guerena murder if such suits were brought?

However, when someone attempts to deny someone else the right to free speech, or the right to freedom of the press, that is an entirely different thing. Now we are getting into the realm of defying the foundational laws of the land - the Constitution and the Amendments - which directly and formally allow freedom of speech and freedom of the press to all. Anyone who would use his or her freedom of speech/press to deny the same to anyone else, is moving into anarchy.

Let everyone have their freedom of speech, since it is guaranteed by the 1st Amendment anyway. And bring a slander suit to collect damages when appropriate, right?

Comment by Kalantiaw
Entered on:

Government does not file a slander suit or file a libel case against you a private citizen if you "defame" it through its law enforcements agents [the SWAT Team] even if your nose grew a foot long by lying about what they did. What the Government agents will do is arrest you if you incite others to commit a wrong or incite others to an act of violence that’s seditious, by lying publicly, which is what you are doing. If agents of the law find out that your lying prompted others to violate the law, those agents become those invited guests in your home where you are hiding. They don’t go to Court to collect damages from you. They just collect you and put you in jail.

Please don’t bother me again with this ignorance. I do not mean to offend you, but I have no time to educate you. Study law if you want to discuss this matter with me. If you have that sufficient knowledge to discuss this matter with me, then I will thank you for not wasting my time.


Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

@ JV (and Ufactdirt):  ONLY RACKETEERING NEOCONS pull out the ugly "nutjob" card.  So I guess Kennedy was a not-job too.... RICO conspiracies don't exist, like the Fed.  I think our readership is smarter than that.  Your arrogance reveals phony mask. 

Why is it always the same GANG-STALKERS on here wearing masks?  "I checked your "legal background" and you are a [credible] lawyer.... bla bla bla.   Give us a break.  We don't trust lawyers on this site.  We know they serve the Queen...  Those of us versed in law.   

 Kim Dyer

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Kim Dyer here:  Joseph Vanderville, we are not so stupid to buy your half truth about media lies being "an [isolated] abomination" as if it is anything new!  And as for your trying to make policing enterprise noble, yes, I agree, a lot of good people are caught up in policing and given a bad name.  But you peddle a lot of Neo-con GARBAGE wearing a Neo-con mask.  You are no lawyer, as your counter-masked "players" try to get people to assume as an edumacated 'authority' [sic].  Get a new mask, I think your cover is blown. 

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

@ Kilantiaw:  You seem well read in legal verse...  are you trying to get us to buy into the fact that the SWAT team is not part of the dog and pony show fact THAT OUR OWN GOVERNMENT TRAFFICS THE DRUGS?  (Research Iran contras, 'CIA and drugs').... This is sooooo not published, but soooo true.  And I think you know it.  And many versed in law know this, and some are paid to blog and hide from us the fact that this marine might have been set up, was probably a good guy, probably about to talk, otherwise he would have been protected.  I mean give us a f-cking break.  They killed my father (talking) and Bill Cooper as well, and they all lived pretty close together in John McCain's marital community businesses (alcohol/bootlegging history/oil company allied) Tucson-outskirts.   Go screw yourself.  Your people murdered my father and my Grandmother you asshole.  The military is trafficking drugs.  And for those of you who don't know this, google the crap out of it, lots of ex-CIA agents (CIA 1947 precursor to 1948 zioNAZI-yes AshkeNAZI jews are KINGS MEN- counterfeit jews of Rev. 2:9 and 3:9... protections through 'laws of the land' in Israel, 'laws of the land' being legal terminology that all mormons recognize and need to research further to see the long history of Mormon/Vatican/Crown allied RICO) and others, if you are thorough enough tied Clinton and Bush to these Royal family counterfeit Zionist thugs to the global drug trade, amnesty bought for the right price in Israel... And Israel's borders need expand as more and more, Americans are being bought and brought in and protected for RICO by the Patriot Act.... Racketeering seems to have been precluded - making moot Kennedy's 1961 RICO protections.  Take that to the Bankster you creep.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Kim Dyer here:  And thank you Officer Moreno of Tempe (a good cop) for giving me a warning rather than throwing the book at me today (pretty sure he witnessed when Tempe's Lt. lawyer James Click was rigging my being called on my cell from my home phone number on my birthday in 2009 right before my father murdered-so I would think a perpetrator was in my  house)... pretty sure he remembers that report and how they omitted certain details from that report on my birthday over a year ago.  God bless you Officer Moreno.  There are good cops out there.   My  mother said that the movie The Courageous is awesome (about police being torn today-questioning their faith)...  I am having a hell of a time finding it anywhere though, Sunday morning, although sick, I went to Mesa Superstition, and it mysteriously disappeared from their theater as well although a 1010 am showing was advertised... can't find it.  But demand it people, it will show up.  xoxo  Kim Dyer Mass demand it at  Blockbuster, Redfles and Netflix.  This stuff creates social change~~~~

 God Bless our good men in military and police.  You are our true soldiers, you are the ones whose feet are held the the fire in these difficult times.  People, carry this attitude in your hearts.  Thank you for indulging me. 

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Kimn Dyer here:  @Puretrust:  reserach "duplicity" and maritime law... you will see that while the Corporate gov. regime wants you to buy the lie that we have a constitution, we don't...  We are under the jurisdiction of the Queen, and have been for some time.  So do not be fooled, maritime/marshall/admiralty law:  laws of the sea prevail- as in oil rig law... in a state of emergency or war, which could be legally interpreted to go back as far as when Lincoln was assassinated. 

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Demand the movie The Courageous from Redbox, Blockbuster and Netflix!  Do your part.  Supposed to be an excellent account of police questioning their faith in these difficult times where their feet are held to the fire of morality...  I went to see it Sunday at Mesa Superstition AMC and the movie was removed... I can't even find it.   Kim Dyer

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Finally, you are getting the point.

Why doesn't Government file slander suits? In part, because freedom of speech is guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. To win such suits in a right and legal, Government would have to twist and turn so extremely much that they would be exposed for what they are. And they still might not win.

This is exactly what the freedom movement is all about. The trampling of rights of the people by Government. So, what about the 4th Amendment? Where was the court judgement that said Guerena was guilty so that he no longer had 4th Amendment and 2nd Amendment rights?

Wasn't the judgement made "Judge Dredd" style, thereby trampling Guerena's rights regarding 2nd and 4th Amendments, and his right to a trial by a jury of his peers? Show us the judgement. Until such judgement can be shown, or until firm evidence of violent action by Guerena before Government denied him his rights can be shown, Government erred Constitutionally. And they are continuing to err in this way by covering the whole thing up.

Unfortunately for the people, the border line between denying people their rights, and between protecting the public, is very fine, very vague at times. The freedom, libertarian movement is attempting to clarify the boundaries. Such clarification comes about when the general public is made aware of how far Goverment has encroached upon their freedoms and rights, like in the Guerena incident.

So, it isn't slander against government or government agents at all. Rather, it is informing the people about how to protect their rights against those who would deny them their rights.

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