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Comment by Ross Wolf
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UN Agenda 21—Is Property Theft

Will You Be Compensated—for lost Land Value? Lost Property Rights?

Why would any American want to give the UN a “Foreign Agent” Control Over Vast Amounts of U.S. Land?

UN Agenda 21 Supporters and Promoters want to surrender several huge “regions” of US Land to UN Control. Could that include your real property? Direct and Indirect UN attacks among others on Americans’ property rights, appear facilitated by un-elected bureaucratsthat change land use codes and zoning—crippling property owners’ full use of their land. UN Agenda 21 also known as “Sustainable Development” if fully implemented would make land ownership for millions of Americans, especially in urban and rural areas so government regulated—it is foreseeable property buyers would not consider (UN affected U.S. real estate) a viable investment. Bewareof the following Words and Phrases that may be used to camouflage intent to diminish or end property rights; including in “designated Regions” in America under UN Agenda—21: Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Smart growth, Smart Cities, non-human habitat zones, Biodiversity.

Should Congress be held accountable for assuming a flagship role in implementing strategies of UN Agenda 21 and Earth Summit agreements in U.S. domestic policy—that ultimately would give UN control over vast amounts of U.S. Land that belong to the American People? It was foreseeable by Congress—their support of UN Agenda 21would restrict an American’s full use of their land; would—economically damage, lower property values; cause reductions in collected property taxes needed to support infrastructures e.g., pay non-federal government employees—especially in urban and rural areas; would strip long held property rights.

Some U.S. Citizens unwittingly supported UN Agenda 21 and Earth Summit Conference Agreements that attack U.S. property rights. However, consideration might be given to (legally) removing from officecommunity leaders, commissioners, planners and other individuals that Support UN Agenda 21 or similar plans to establish in America designated areas (Regions) that would restrict an owner’s full use of their property they pay property taxes.  

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