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Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

"Throughout its history, Israel intimidated as a regional menace, preemptively attacking Palestinians and regional neighbors for any reason or none at all. Each time, it's claimed self-righteousness and "self-defense," what scoundrels always say.
Until his death, Edward Said passionately defended Palestinian rights. He accused Israel of turning Palestine into an isolated prison, suffocating an entire population, impoverishing and slaughtering them, blaming them for its own state terror, and creating a wasteland of destruction and human misery.
Moreover, he said Israeli regimes sanctioned torture, targeted assassinations, and mass killing as official policy, besides committing every imaginable human indignity and degradation against people for their faith, ethnicity and presence."
As a result, Israel perpetuates a never ending cycle of violence and destruction, planning to end "the Palestinian problem," calling courage and resistance "terrorism," offering nothing in return for outrageous demands, and pursuing dominating pacification disguised as "peace." Journalist Henry Siegman once called it "the most spectacular deception in modern diplomatic history."

If this were manure it could fertilize a farm. From day one Israel has been acting only in self-defense. By this I mean day one literally, from the day they proclaimed the state of Israel and were summarily attacked by multiple hate-filled Arab armies who refused all offers of peaceful sharing of the region. The fact that Israel has won time and again, and instead of going on to ruthlessly expel these hate-filled Allah Akbars from the entire region from the Nile to Euphrates and set up a thick defensive perimeter, their backers the U.S. have reined them in and kept them to a tiny sliver of land where the Muslims breathe down their necks.

Here's a real news item showing who's the bad guys:

Hizballah Will Try to Launch 400-600 Rockets and Missiles at Israel Per Day, 100 of Which Will Be Aimed at Tel Aviv

It's only the U.S. that keeps Israel from doing what it should have done back in 1948 and widening their territory into a real sustainable permanent state of Israel. The Jewish state of Israel isn't "racist" anymore than the Chinese state of China is - it's their rightful homeland, and the Arabs are like locusts, who blew in one day and won't leave. If the U.S. has such great relations with Saudi Arabia, why don't they negotiate for them to help pay for resettlement into Arab territory far far away from Israel, and just leave it alone? Israel's capital Jerusalem should not have any permanent Muslim residents, but for the sake of peace they can issue temporary passes for visiting the Muslim holy sites, under close supervision.

I'll answer my own question: ISLAM. The horrible evil ideology that's dragging the world into WWIII. And guess whose side Arab-greased Lendman is on? Sorry, but I'm for Israel 100%, and while I may not love the form their govt. takes from time to time, I back the right of the Jewish people to a safe permanent Muslim-free homeland there.

Scope Jerusalem's history back 3,000 years free with the world's best history teacher the Historyscoper and see why I know I'm right:

Watch Islam's daily shenanigans and see how tawdry Lendman's yellow journalism feed is in the big picture:

Comment by John Lewis
Entered on:

 When the Palestinians launch rockets into your town/country.. It's best to bomb them. If it were not for the Israelis, the entire region would be bothing but parched desert without water wells or commerce whatsoever.. Except the occassional sheep traded for a donkey and the bag full of the local women's snipped body parts being exchanged for a day with Allah en route to a Mecca of some sort.


Comment by Gene Swank
Entered on:

According to the records and history, Israel has never attacked another country first or with out provacation. They were always attacked first. Your lies about Israel according to the Bible condemn you to Hell.   I get reports out of Israel every week from people living in Israel. They have been under attack for years and still are. The media just refuses to report what is really going on in the mideast. He who condemns Israel will be condemned, He who blesses Israel will be blessed. For me I will Bless Israel.

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