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Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

There's enough nuts in this article to feed the squirrels of Central Park for a week.

One. Turkey isn't our friend, or morally equivalent to Israel. It's ISLAMIST. It was formerly known as the OTTOMAN EMPIRE, the archenemy of the entire West for 600 years. Turkey isn't vying with Israel for anything, because since WWI they've been militarily kaput, the best they can do is to maybe take on the Greeks, if that much. Go see Midnight Express again and bring some Vaseline. They did try secularism, and even allied with Israel for awhile, but the bloom is off the rose now and they're definitely thinking new caliphate 24/7, armed with Iranian or North Korean nukes. The Fake Freedom Flotilla was their nutso idea of creating a propaganda victory against Israel, which didn't work out so good after all, did it? Two. Israel ROCKS. It's the beacon of Western democracy in horrible Muslimland, and it's not morally equivalent to Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or any of them nightmare Muslim countries that submit to Dead Allah and lift their butts to him 5 times a day wasting billions of manhours a year. Israel's scientific and technical establishment alone is light years ahead of the Muslims, and rocketing ahead daily. If there is a God then one day the Muslim world will be kaput and Israel and its 300 million Jews will be the center of a Middle East that's a credit to the world instead of a festering sore and powderkeg. Lendman and his ilk of dinos will be in some of my historyscopes that nobody reads. When will Lendman give up pushing the Saudi agenda? Saudi Arabia STINKS, everything about it, except maybe their cool headgear and robes, if you have to live in a desert that is. Their backward civilization has to go, it really has to go, along with Mecca and Medina, which both need a good dirty nuke like yesterday to silence the hardcore Islamists who still don't get that Allah is dead. The U.S. should be ashamed of needing to buy its oil when the money is used to undermine Western civilization and work towards the extermination of Israel. So Lendman will have to get a new sponsor, the Chinese are buying. Speaking of Israel, the recent discovery of vast shale oil reserves equal to Saudi Arabia's oil reserves should make Congress rush to save us all by investing another trillion dollar stimulus in the Israeli oil industry, buying in now while it's cheap and we can reserve a percentage of their output and cut the Saudis off completely so they can regress to the camel age again unless they finally chuck Allah and join the human race, no, they shouldn't kill infidels but become infidels too. Their women should not only be allowed to drive but run the country, since their men are all apes who should be on leashes.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Not just enough nuts to feed a bunch of squirrels, but I see a real big NUT without a white straitjacket!

This author acts like an Islam drone in our midst, specifically writing down his terrible bias worse than a Palestinian anti-Israeli scalper. He demonizes Israel which obviously in his freaking mind stands for something evil, and praises those Arab bullies that like the Palestinian Hezbollah and the Terror of Iran Ahmadinejad want to wipe Israel off the map! In this author’s Arabic dog-like mind, Palestinian terrorists that blow up Israel’s border cities and kill Israelis, especially innocent women and children, are angels and Israeli paramilitary forces killing the enemy in self-defense are assassins from hell. I tell you a writer with a mind like this needs a therapeutic attitudinal treatment. I recommend that perhaps a Turkish bath will do him good.


Comment by Charlie Manor
Entered on:

TL Winslow,

You really should learn more about what you are writing about. 

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