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Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

  If the Department of Defense wants to "save" a little money, they ought to quit squandering it on failed defense contracts, illegal wars, and bloated budgets. As for the slugs they pander to (congress), it's hard to know how much money could be saved by reducing the Senate to 50 fools and traitors, the Congress to 50 (51, if we want to be fair to America's 51st state - Irael), and, only the Great Pumpkin knows how much waste (pork) would disappear if only 100 or so mental midgets were robbing the American public.

  We might try bringing our troops home, so they can defend US, instead of our enemies. (We have the ability to turn the Middle Eastern freak show into a parking lot, without the loss of a single warrior...If our enemies can't be content with brutalizing their own people, killing their children, enslaving their women, pretending to do the will of a self-proclaimed god , while insisting on telling the free world how to conduct its affairs and maintain its cultural independence, it's about time all of us quit pandering to the whole lot of them. Fact:  There are more reasonable, thougtful, intelligent, brave, decent, and honorable people in the world than there are scum. It's about time the scum found out  - though, I fear, it won't happen anytime soon. Nothing will ever really change for the better until the smarmy second-raters who inhbit every governmental entitiy in the world get on Titanic II and head for an iceberg. They will never do it, unless they think it will increase their "power"; raise their take on their varied payoffs and scams; give them more control over the lives of more individual citizens; allow their view of what's best for the rest of us to become some sort of "law"; and, insure their effacacy of their own worthless lives.)

  Remember this: Sociopaths have no concern for or interest in what anyone thinks about what they do. No matter how horrible the outcome, they will continue to debase and destroy men, women, children, environments, and nations, simply because they are uninterested in life (other than their own) and believe that they know what is best for just about everyone...Don't believe me? Look around. Read a history book. Google it.


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