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The people of Iceland have now twice voted not to repay international debts incurred by banks, and bankers, for which the whole island is being held responsible. With the present turmoil in European capitals, could this be the way forward for other e

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Comment by Powell Gammill
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Comment by PureTrust
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This might go on for a little while. But if Iceland won't knuckle under, we'll be over there fighting them, just like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Comment by Anonymous
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No, debt repudiation is not the way forward for the Iceland economy or for ANY economy for that matter – it has never been. That’s only in the mind of paper r3volutionaries, and in the dream of the enemy within.

To willfully run away from debt obligation is the way backward, and worse. If the debtor country is prepared for war, it may. But when the economy is kaput and the country is as poor as a rat in a rat hole, it’s not in any position for war.

Why war … if you owe me and you tell me you will not pay, I go for your assets. For example, I get your assets or freeze whatever you have in banks, in the country or abroad, confiscate your airlines wherever they land, etc. If a bunch of us creditors are doing this to a debt-dodger, the use of force in doing this is inevitable, what then would the absconder do, fight for it to survive! The result … war!

No country in the world is a stranger to financial crisis. Know the world of economists. Avoid listening to the discordant music played in print by congenital grumblers and refrain from dancing the mantra of radical activists that peddle their hate-wares everywhere.

There is always a way out. You have just to find your way out of the riddles of the economic maze, and out of the mess. Read the economic history of Iceland... these Nordic people are tough, and have been in and out of it. Crisis wise, today they are in, and again tomorrow they are out -- as it has always been.


Comment by Whatdoesit Matter
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Here's the solution:  Americans must become as 'self-reliant' as possible, effectively removing Government (and thereby, Central Bankers, and other 'Globalists' and globalist corporations, from their lives.

Naming Names: Your Real Government (When dark deeds unfold, point the finger in this direction).

by Tony Cartalucci

The Real Revolution

"Boycott the globalists, cut off their support, undermine their system, and they lose their ability to commit these atrocities. That will be a real revolution and it can start today. Not burning cities and masked rebels waving flags, but communities no longer dependent and fueling a corrupt system we all know must come to an end.


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