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Comment by Matt Sch
Entered on:

Yay, more propaganda BS, and the comments are even worse. All this stupidity about radio waves highly effecting you is non-existent since our bodies will evolve to handle them better if they did cause some type of nervous system issue. 

The added information available would greatly improve costs. Also it can't tell if you went to sleep. Hell I use my smartphone for about an hour before I sleep, most electronics are shut off at that point.

Also the commenter who is fearing energy rationing by electric companies is wrong, but because there is a GREAT need for power and since you are paying for a product it is not your choice if they cut your power for a few hours a day.

If these things bug you, install alternative energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines. Also reduce water use and electrical use. It is not hard to cut your power use by at least 30% by going to Lowes or Home Depot and buying faucet aerators and Safe CFLs or LED light bulbs.

Comment by James17
Entered on:

 Matt SCH - You may be right, but until we see more of these people coming out and talking about the increases in their electric bills, none of us will be sure this is BS propaganda or truth. Of course you and I won't get to make our view points known, because what comes up next will be a new article making this one lost in the heap. -

The above link will show you all those that are out to make a profit off of the public with concern about how their going for their profit margin is killing, stealing and destroying many lives.

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