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Comment by TL Winslow
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How can the U.N. take Mahmoud Abbas' proposal for a Palestinian state seriously when he only speaks for West Bank, and not Gaza, which is run by Fatah and Hamas?

As usual, Lendman's Saudi-greased agitprop demonizes Israel and angelifies the Arab Muslims - the worst case of blinkers on the Net.  In reality, the truth is the opposite of everything Lendman portrays.  While Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, which even allows its 20% minority of pop. of Arabs to have full citizenship, and from day one on May 14, 1948 openly invited the Muslims to share the Middle East in peace, Hamas openly calls for the total extermination of all Jews and Christians amidst its zombie-like Allah Akbars to the dead god Allah:

Let's cut to the chase: it's about ISLAM. They still won't chuck it, so it's time that Israel OUSTED all Muslims from the sea to the river, and give them the boot to resettle over the river far far away from its new wide DMZ.  The U.N. should be irrelevant if the U.S. backs it like it should.  Jordan has all along been the real Palestine, they just pretend they want another one so they can squat on Israeli land and prepare for the next jihad.

Lucky for Israel that libertarian dreamy pipe-puffers like Texas "libertarian" Ron Paul won't come close to gaining the White House, else he would see the horrific extermination of Israel lead to a massive jihad on the infidel U.S., with Israel no longer able to watch our back:

Islam doesn't care about "libertarianism", sorry. It wants to dominate the world and subjugate infidels of all stripes.  Stretch your brain with the Historyscoper, all totally free:

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