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Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

      Mr. Kelly is on the money. However, his condemnation seems over-stated:  While the suhuman ofal who have sent us to war so often, for nothing but their own ignorance, stupidity, ineptitude, financial gain, political status, and failure as "diplomats", such mental defects shouldn't be ascribed to the soldiers who were forced to support the vile and treacherous machinations of a cadre of assholes, who are, to the person, devoid of any viable or valuable human characteristics. the "causes" might well be suspect, but it is not reasonable or factual to infer that the mena and women who fought for those causes did not act honorably. Any one of our millions of warriors is (was), on his or her worst day, worth more than the entire gang of political misfits who've ever peopled the U.S. government. Anyone who doesn't understand the difference is as worthless as the freakshow pretending to be America's elected body-politic, and champions of freedom and justice. American's owe much to the military. What they owe government is nothing, unless they feel they haven't paid enough for their own torment, suffering, and enslavement.  

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