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2018-04-16 07:46
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Entered by: PureTrust
Gun freedom is gun freedom. All freedom is freedom. Period. The only freedom that should be diminished is based on harm or damage done by the one who loses his freedom for such. And, the loss of freedom should fit the crime, and be focused on the crime, not on taking his freedom away forever because of a past crime - except in cases of execution. In these times of terrorism, EVERYBODY should have guns. But because we are not used to it, we should be broken into it with training over a period of time. Limiting guns to anybody is taking away freedom from them. Criminals who lose their gun freedom have lost it because of their own voluntary throwing it away via their criminality. Make the punishment match the crime: pay beck four times for stealing, and "eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, life for life."
2018-04-16 07:36
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Entered by: PureTrust
Marc said we need legalization of weed. He said that those of us who are against legalization of weed are part of the freedom problem. But he doesn't break it down far enough. We can go two ways in legalizing weed. Here's what they are: 1) Legalization by saying, "Go ahead and use weed," by statute legalization 2) Repeal all laws against weed and don't enact any in favor or against it. In other words, forget weed for itself, except to talk about the ways for wise use of it. Then, if there is a problem somewhere, if there is a crime done, if there is damage done, make the guilty party pay. Will this make people stop injuring others because of weed? No. But nothing will do that, especially not laws in favor or against. What will happen is that many innocent weed users will not be penalized for nothing. Also, we won't need as many attorneys or prisons, and the whole population will get a benefit from that, by being taxed less.
2018-04-16 07:22
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Entered by: PureTrust
Marc isn't right. Rather than deny guns to anybody, allow what the Constitution says. After all, as Marc says, the not-in-prison criminals will get the guns anyway. What will happen if guns are allowed across the board? As we transition into freedom, there will be a few cases of harm and murder. I might be among them. Once the transitions is done, MAKE THE PUNISHMENT FIT THE CRIME. Execution for murder. Period. The bad guys will be gone because of execution, or from turning into good guys out of fear. Also, there will be less need (maybe almost no need) for attorneys. Marc will be out of a job. - Marc is playing politics. Why? Perhaps truly for political reasons, but maybe to break the country into freedom in the only way people understand - by offering them another dictator.
2018-04-16 06:58
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Entered by: PureTrust
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God." The question is, who are the peacemakers? Are they the ones talking against war with Syria? Or are they the ones who are talking war. War which would destroy the banking system, governmental controls over free people, police brutality, abortion murder, all kinds of wickedness and ungodliness among the people. The banking system will crash; the crash is built into the Ponzi that it is. What do we want? Would we rather have a crash 20 years from now that will be similar to a hydrogen bomb? Or do we want a little crash now, that is like a baby nuke? Which of the peacemakers are really talking peace, and which of them are talking greed, on behalf of the bankers?
2018-04-15 06:10
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Entered by: Christine
"Trump, Syria, and the enemies of America in our midst"
2018-04-15 06:09
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Entered by: Christine
"Trump, Syria, and the enemies of America in our midst"
2018-04-14 18:08
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
These links go to a music video of "I'm my own grandpaw." Please fix and repost.
2018-04-14 09:53
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
Wow! The economy must be closer to implosion than we thought. 'Pay no attention to America's Debt and Dollar destruction... we got us a WAR to worry about!'
2018-04-13 15:38
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Entered by: PureTrust
Russia will win, of course. But it will be a hollow win. Why? Because Russia will be weakened enough in the fight, that it will not be able to overcome the real winners. Who will be the real winners? The little people of all the countries. They will take up Bitcoin and the rest of the cryptocurrencies, and overcome the banking systems of the world.
2018-04-12 15:46
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Entered by: SamFox
Why would Assad do a chem attack on his people? Why would he do that when he KNOWS he would P off the whole world? What has Assad to gain? NOTHING but trouble!! SamFox
2018-04-11 09:13
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Entered by: PureTrust
As Americans we must face the fact that we are allowing "our" criminally insane Government to bring the world near to destruction. Everything that Government does is funded through taxes, though often not directly. We can stop paying taxes through the use of the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Amendments, and the common law, in conjunction with the Preamble that dictates what Government exists for. We can do it individually, but it would be better to work in small groups. Government people who resist our use of the Preamble and Amendments, are working against the United States Government.
2018-04-11 08:38
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Entered by: PureTrust
Scientists are making a computer capable of processing an extremely great amount of data. - Revelation 20:3: "He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time." - The abyss is death. The Angel Who threw Satan into the abyss, etc., is Jesus when He did His work on the cross and arose from the dead. The quantum computer is a brain that is capable of maintaining the spirit of Satan. It will essentially bring Satan back up from the abyss.
2018-04-11 08:26
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Entered by: PureTrust
The people of India are living according to their ages-old religion/custom government. They don't realize that the former British occupation left them with a common law government. Using the common law to free themselves, individually, via jury, rather than to push themselves further into a form of religious/custom civil law, could easily free them from governmental control. See the world map at The danger is that We in the States, along with Britain, Australia, and Canada are losing our common law to civil law, where the people don't have individual freedom, but only have freedom based on mass law controlled by government. We are losing common law, and simple freedom because of it.
2018-04-11 01:52
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Entered by: PureTrust
Isaiah in the Bible is full of prophesy. But first let’s look at Revelation 11:18: "The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small-- and for destroying those who destroy the earth." Isaiah says at Isaiah 30:26: "The moon will shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the LORD binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted." --- So, do you think that when the chemtrail makers and the chemtrails are finally destroyed by God, that our winters will be warmer?
2018-04-10 14:20
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Entered by: Anonymous
Has a Ad Hoc Committee been set up to investigate, the a ledge phone call, when did it come in, where did it come from, who made it, the PERSON who took the call, who did the sent dispatch and all recording's there of, who was sent out and responded to the call and did the shooting, had there been any conformation between these tow before, what has this PERSONS past history been? How long has this PERSON been with the department? Has this PERSON been in Federal employment before? If so What agency i.e. CIA, FBI..., what he did after he fired the shot(s), the second responding PERSON, what all he did, when the call went out for a Bus (ambulance), when it arrived, what all they did, what was spoken to them if anything by Billy, his state or condition from pick up to the hospital, the response teem at the hospital- what all they did once he was brought in. How long it took to stabilize the peasant for transport to the hospital? How long did they work on him once there?
2018-04-09 17:59
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Entered by: PureTrust
Look at how good that ages-old Chewy suit looks. Why can't they make a Harrison Ford or Carrie Fisher suit that looks that good?
2018-04-03 17:18
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
It's your own damn fault. You keep MOVING IT every year. :-)
2018-03-30 08:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
The simple, bottom line is, who is really attempting to undermine the United States Government?

The Government originally was set up in common law format. How is that? Because the framers of the Constitution were acting outside of their governmental authority (their authority to upgrade the Articles of Confederation) by making a completely new Constitution.

Later, as the Common Law Constitution was adopted, it became a legal thing for the Government. Yet for the people who were not in Government, it remained a common law thing. The fact that it is Common Law is attested to in the 9th and 10th Amendments, even though they don't say "common law" directly.

When you are in court, don't go into their legal law thing. Stay in your common law thing, where the only law that counts is if you injure someone. How might you injure someone? By actually doing damage to his property - his body is his property. Or by breaking an agreement you have with him. That's it. Period.

Google and Youtube search on "Karl Lentz common law." Or watch the videos at and

2018-03-28 21:20
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Entered by: PureTrust
Did Morpheus injure anyone? Let Morpheus at his closing words to the court at sentencing require the judge and jury to bring forth the injured party and show the injury. At this stage of the game, that's about all he has left. - The point is, you and I are guilty of all kinds of things from taking a breath of air to driving a car to you name it. So what? Let the injured party come forward, take the oath, get on the stand, show his injury(ies), and bring the proof that Morpheus did the injury, and order the amount that he needs to receive from Morpheus to make his injury whole. Bit Morpheus has to say it himself when he makes his pre-sentencing statement. See
2018-03-28 21:09
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Entered by: PureTrust - So if the IRS tries to come to court with an attorney you knock the IRS' attorneys right out of the picture. Wait a second this is a common law court of record; I am presenting my case as an injury. I have been harmed. I’ve been injured by something or somebody, using a name called the IRS. Now their attorney can’t speak. Only the IRS can speak. Oh, IRS didn’t appear? Then i guess i win the judgment. And it’s a Nihil Dicit is Latin for "he says nothing"; a judgment for want of a plea. Stronger than just a default. The other side failed to speak. The other side failed to answer. The other side failed to tell the attorney what to do. I want my judgment and i want it now. It’s over.
2018-03-28 10:31
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Entered by: Anonymous
I am starved for news on this. There has been nothing on any source that I typically rely on.
2018-03-26 07:16
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Entered by: PureTrust
If you take AZ State 87 from Mesa to Strawberry - Strawberry is a mere blip as you pass through it - in the center of "town" is the intersection onto Fossil Creek Road. In the past you could take FCR back about 22 miles to the Verde River power-plant town of Childs. FCR has been blocked off by the Forest Service since the power plant shut down. About a mile up stream from Childs you can still find remnants of a resort built by Al Capone. The point? There are shrewd people in Arizona. Remember the Arizona Project and the Don Bolles car bombing back in 1976 - The AZ shrewd people are in AZ Government. It's our duty to freedom to make sure regulations don't regulate cryptocurrencies into the hands and control of Government. Keep your eyes open, and your head screwed on with regard to Fintech.
2018-03-24 16:51
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
"The half million of us who are going to march on Washington shouldn't settle for 'atta boys' and a pats on the head from the generation that has screwed us over. We have the numbers to overwhelm the White House and the capitol, drag the politicians into the streets and beat them to death." Ah, now that's what you call a "Popcorn Moment." Sit back, enjoy the spectacle, and optionally come prepared to mop up the "winners."
2018-03-20 09:26
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Entered by: PureTrust
This is similar to the things that the US Government did to Japan to incite them to start American involvement in WWII via Pearl Harbor.
2018-03-20 08:59
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Entered by: PureTrust
More evidence that we have a one-party system, and that democrats and republicans are all parts of a multi-faceted chunk of coal. The only thing that will keep America from falling like Rome did is if the people understand American common law, something that Rome did not have.
2018-03-17 09:03
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Entered by: PureTrust
Genesis 6:2: "the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose." There are some interpretations that say that "the sons of God" should be interpreted "angels." Revelations in the Bible tells us that the tail of the dragon swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The "stars" are often interpreted as "angels." Wake up and see that the stupid popular understanding of prehistory is mixing up all kinds of stuff that would be clear if we only recognized that the Bible talked about it clearly, long, long ago.
2018-03-16 17:59
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
Disraeli is quoted as observing, "A man who is not a Liberal at sixteen has no heart; a man who is not a Conservative at sixty has no head." And right there is the basic reason that the manufacturers of noodle stuffing generally prosper more by marketing to conservatives rather than to liberals.
2018-03-16 06:20
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Entered by: Anonymous
According to a 2016 report from the Government Accountability Office, more than 23,000 active-duty troops used the food stamp program in 2013, the last year for which such information was available.
2018-03-15 10:21
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Entered by: Gimmel Yod
This is known as the "FTE". The FuckTardEffect is where people walk into a voting booth and - knowing nothing about the issues nor the candidates - simply vote the "Party Line". Think of them as you would monkeys in front of slot machines. And if you don't readily recognize the "FTE" then you constitute the FTE.
2018-03-15 08:52
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Entered by: PureTrust
The only illegal immigration that there is, is when immigrants go onto State or Federal land. Government only SAYS that immigration onto public property is illegal. Yet such immigration is totally lawful. Immigration onto private property is unlawful only if the property owner is against such immigration. - Government is trying to make it look like they have authority where they do not. The more that unlawful Government authority is accepted as the norm, the more they will take property and rights from all people, not only from immigrants.