Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Economy - Economics USA

The Answer (Arizona Budget)

Dear Editor,

I wonder why I have not heard or read any discussion about an obvious solution to the State budget problem.

In the term previous when they thought we were rich the legislature made a 10%cut in income tax, increased credits for contributions to schools, and gave away massive tax cuts for huge corporations.

A return of 10% more on our income tax rate would never even be noticed, because we get so much credit for our school contribution.  This school fund doesn’t go for anything important, such as teachers, supplies, class size, or additional curriculum ( most schools don’t even offer both music and art).  Rescind this plan and pay for the necessities instead.

The huge ($2 billion in last 15 years) tax cuts for business evidently isn’t working because Arizona is 43rd in attracting business.  Rescind any amount of tax cuts  to balance the budget.  Business would rather have a functioning civilized society, which is the purpose of government, and be proud to invite employees here to a great school system, safe society, adequate infrastructure.  Driving Arizona into the dark ages will not attract business or anybody, including tourist and snow birds.

Carolyn Maxon


5 Comments in Response to

Comment by Freed Radical
Entered on:

Socialism doesn't work, Carolyn. The best way to solve both the budget problem and the problem of illiterate, brainwashed sheeple is to close down all government schools. Eric

Comment by Trouser Chili
Entered on:

Forbes magazine lists Phoenix as #44 out of 200 US metro areas for business and careers.  That's the top 25%.

 The Tax Foundation lists AZ as #22 in their State Business Tax Climate Index, Fiscal Year 2009.

I don't know where you get AZ as #43.

It is common knowledge, even among Keyensians, that raising taxes in a recession/depression is the kiss of death to an economy.  The state must tighten its belt to live within its means, especially as its revenues are plummeting.  Just like the rest of us.

To me this is a golden opportunity to cleave all of the government programs that people have grown dependent on.  And people will figure out a much better way to live when they are gone.  Get rid of the dumb laws and the corrupt prosecutors that are clogging our courts and jails with innocent people.  And somehow get the federal government and federal reserve off of our backs and out of our pockets so that small business entrepeneurs have a reasonable chance at a decent return on investment.  The economy will then rebound and people won't miss the old system.

Comment by quasi-political
Entered on:

I respectfully disagree with your proposal. It doesn't matter how much money the state generates. The size and scope of government (in its own interest) will naturally continue to expand and spend more. Government bureacrats are irresponsible with money and the vast majority of them do not understand rational economics. The very fact that we have what they are calling a budget deficit should be evidence enough to you of the above statement. They counted their eggs before they hatched, squandered away what they stole, lived paycheck to paycheck, so to speak.

The rational response to the situation would have nothing to do with increasing taxes but exactly the opposite. It would be to deregulation, lower taxes, and decrease the size and scope of government dramatically. All of those things would be very inviting not only for individuals but businesses as well.

Here's one example. Maybe Arizona could stop defying all logic and sense in respect to vehicle license taxes. Have you ever wondered just what reasoning stands behind a '78 bronco costing somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 per year in license taxes compared to a $100,000 BMW costing $1000 per year for the same "privilege"? That kind of system is not the least bit inviting and more than likely it is costing the state far more than what they generate from it.



Comment by Jefferson Paine
Entered on:


No. Tweaking tax policy is not the answer. Socialism is not the answer. Freedom is the answer. Learn about freedom by following links here at Freedom's Phoenix. It will change your life for the better.

Comment by Jefferson Paine
Entered on:



Learn about libertarianism -- freedom, that is, and individual responsibility. It's not about tax cuts or other fine-tuning of government policy. It's about letting people run their own lives so that stupid bureaucrats don't ruin everything for them.