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Thrive - What on Earth Will it Take? By Foster Gamble

Thrive - What on Earth Will it Take? By Foster Gamble

By: Ernest Hancock

Trailer Below -  Whole Film Here

There is a powerful force that's getting in the way of our thriving.

It's a select group of financial elite who are centralizing material wealth and power for their own benefit, while destroying the lives of billions of others.  Their worldview is riddled with fear and ignorant of the abundance of nature and the love and interconnectedness that is our essence.

In this section you can follow the money to see how the same people are gaining financially in every sector of human life. You can also see how an agenda for global domination is being accomplished, and the kind of deceptive strategies and tactics that are being used to further our suppression.

It can be challenging to confront the cruelty of this global domination agenda, but it’s only by recognizing the true nature of the threats to our freedom that we can be empowered to act effectively.
The Problem
Follow the Money
Investigate any major sector of human activity and you will discover the same people are in control, benefitting financially, literally making out like bandits. Check it out for yourself. By getting a clearer picture of the hidden economic incentives that are driving this unseen robbery, we can create more effective solutions to the problems facing  humanity.

To learn more about the different levels of the Follow the Money pyramid, click here.

For tips on how to follow the money yourself, click here.
Global Domination Agenda - Introduction
By Foster Gamble

What is keeping us from thriving? After a lifetime journey of pursuing that question, my research revealed that a small group of financial elite have gained control over key areas of our lives " energy, food, health care, education and more " and are the single greatest threat to humanity’s ability to thrive.

As I researched the problems in each Sector of human activity, I came to the shocking realization that virtually every problem we face is human-caused. But then I realized what good news this actually is. If there were a comet plummeting toward Earth or the planet was careening out of orbit we would be at a loss as to what to do. If, on the other hand, people caused it, we have a better chance of being able to fix it as we wake up, expose corruption and align with natural principles.

It is not that humans are incapable of thriving. It’s that we’ve been duped into a system that is designed to consolidate wealth and power, rather than provide a real opportunity for people to thrive. By exposing this agenda, strategically challenging deceptive systems such as central banks and fiat money, and coming up with new ways to organize and cooperate, we can obsolete this destructive agenda and liberate our planet and our true human potential.

At first, an agenda to control others was hard for me to consider. But as I spent many years getting myself educated about it, many things that hadn’t made sense began to fall into place. A different story began to emerge which, horrible as it was to consider, actually explained more than ever before and provided a feeling achieving some traction in what I could do about our predicament. I came to realize the desperate drive to dominate others is based in a worldview of scarcity and fear. The controlling elite seem to believe the only options are to control, or be controlled, and realizing that gave me a better understanding of why they have chosen their current route. Now it is up to the rest of us to transcend this destructive belief system and show that we are capable of governing ourselves… that we actually can thrive.
What is the Global Domination Agenda?
The global domination agenda is a plan by powerful private bankers to take over all our primary systems (money, energy, food, media, etc.) and to establish a sole global authority " with themselves in charge. They use the media, central banks, multinational corporations, governments, major foundations, and international agencies such as the IMF and World Bank to implement their strategies. So far they have successfully brought down countries across the globe, including Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Tanzania, Indonesia, Brazil, Poland, Mexico, Bolivia, Thailand, Iceland, the Soviet Union, Japan, Greece and scores of others. They are now attempting to dismantle the U.S. by collapsing the dollar and making sure Americans are in debt they can’t repay.

This pyramid shows the basic structure of control. The financial elite are at the top. They use international and national central banks to control corporations (which they loan to at special rates), manipulate national economies and hence their governments, and get everyone in debt to the bankers.

Regular working people, who produce most of the real wealth on this planet, are at the bottom of the pyramid. As of 2007, the richest 2% of adults owned more than 50% of the global assets[1] and as of 2010, one out of every seven people didn’t have enough to eat.[2]

Material wealth and resources continue to funnel up to the financial elite, while domination and control come down through the international banking structure and the corporations and governments below them. It’s important to note that the strength of the pyramid is in its base. As people wake up and withdraw their support, the corrupt money structure will lose its control.

Solutions Strategies:
The solution strategies presented here are based on years of consulting with historians, visionaries, and experts in all of the 12 Sectors. They offer promising possibilities for creating a world in which nobody’s rights are violated and every person has the opportunity to thrive.

Because such profound change cannot happen all at once, there are three overlapping stages of the solutions process: Stage One: Bringing integrity and healing to our current condition; Stage Two: limiting government control to the protection of individual rights and the commons; and Stage Three:  living solely by voluntary cooperation " rules, but no rulers.

This three-staged approach is a radical shift from most strategies. Rather than trying to improve the status quo, it integrates traditional progressive, conservative, and libertarian viewpoints, reconciling divisions that have long kept us separated.

You can check out some of our ideas in the areas that most interest you. Please join in the discussion, and let us know what you think.
I imagine a world where each being is free to act according to his or her inner guidance, provided there is no violation of any other’s person or property. 
Association is voluntary, not coerced. Exchange is by choice, not force. There is no involuntary taxation (plunder), so there is no involuntary governance (tyranny). Money is a medium of exchange based on real value (sound currency) rather than arbitrary “fiat” decree (counterfeit and fraud). There are no wars of aggression (mass murder). A truly free market has led to prosperity beyond current imagining, where people have the time and the resources to follow their passions and to care for one another, as needed, voluntarily.

What if citizens were given a choice over the type of government they wanted? Or if they wanted a government at all? What if people were really to have a say in the decisions that determine the content and quality of their lives? Could we self-govern and create more resilient, peaceful, prosperous communities?

Today, involuntary governance is all that exists.  When you step back to look at what government really is, it basically comes down to a group of people who are granted more power than the rest of us.  They are able to make laws that we have to obey, they are able to charge us money in the form of taxes without our consent, they are able to put us in jail if we don’t go along with their self-proclaimed power, and they are able to go to war - with our money - without our approval.

It seems like voluntary governance is such a radical notion that it is common to reject it without really exploring it fully. We have chosen to examine our assumptions about government and are grateful that there are many great thinkers who have devoted their time and energy to exploring the problems and the solutions related to involuntary governance. People often say that government is necessary for protection. But governments have killed more of their own citizens and innocent civilians than any other institution in history " more than 200 million people in the 20th Century alone.  Would voluntary governance result in this kind of brutality and violence?  The fact that all current governments are involuntary " ranging from dictatorships to democracies " puts them at risk of being overthrown. Involuntary governments create state militaries not necessarily to protect the people, but to protect themselves. Are there more effective ways of optimizing our security, in a voluntary society?

Involuntary governments also require money to be funded, which is collected in the form of taxes. The people have no say in how taxes are spent but we are nonetheless required to pay them. Americans are terrified of the IRS. How is it that government can order us to fund their activities without us having a say in it? This economic dynamic doesn’t exist anywhere else. People in society make money by voluntarily selling goods and services or by receiving voluntary gifts. The government, on the other hand, collects money by force. Imagine if people had a say in where their taxes went. Would we be spending so much on the military? Would we have taxes at all? What if we only put funds toward services we wanted, and kept the rest of our money to support the businesses, inventions, educational opportunities and upkeep of our infrastructure that we valued? Could we create a more prosperous economy if involuntary governments didn’t collect a large portion of our income?

Making the transition to voluntary governance would obviously take a lot of work, but we believe it’s absolutely essential if what we are after are equal rights and true freedom " not as a philosophical ideal but as a reality.  As discussed in our Solutions Strategies article, Stage One of the transition will likely involve reforming current systems to make governments accountable while taking care of those most disenfranchised without increasing the government’s funding or power "  and at the same time empowering individuals and communities to organize on their own.  Some key areas to address to get the transition underway are election and campaign finance reform.

The good news is a lot of valuable thinking has already been done envisioning voluntary societies. (The Liberty Resource Tree at the bottom of this page is rich with decades of extraordinary ethical and practical thinking.)

Because such profound change cannot happen all at once, there are three overlapping stages of the solutions process: Stage One: Bringing integrity and healing to our current condition; Stage Two: limiting government control to the protection of individual rights and the commons; and Stage Three:  living solely by voluntary cooperation " rules, but no rulers.

This three-staged approach is a radical shift from most strategies. Rather than just trying to improve the status quo, it integrates traditional progressive, conservative, and liberty viewpoints, reconciling divisions that have long kept us separated.
For more information, please visit ThriveMovement.Com and FourWinds10.Com


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