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American Faultline:  2013 and the Dawn of the Constitutional Anarchist

American Faultline: 2013 and the Dawn of the Constitutional Anarchist

By: Jordan Page

2012 draws to a close. Assuming we survive the alien invasion, or zombie apocalypse, or the Mayan galactic celestial alignment shifting the poles, or just a good ol' economic collapse preceding the breakdown of society, we are about to dive headfirst into 2013; and as is the case with any new year, we have the traditional option of starting over.  Imperative to any resolution for change or moving forward is an understanding of where we went wrong and reflection on our successes and shortcomings in the great endeavors of our lives. So it begs the question: What have we learned?

We have learned that one man's character, ideas, and example can inspire a national revolution with love as its core principle. We have learned that warmongering, fascist, power elite scumbags come in all colors, with varying degrees of difficulty in public speaking.  We have learned that the people of America have no voice in government and that we are easily beaten by the soulless machine that is the electoral apparatus. We have learned that people will joyfully trade their freedom in exchange for entitlements, regardless of the global impact it has on the innocent victims of the American military industrial complex.  We have learned what our dark shepherds have in store for us by studying their moves on the legislative chessboard.  With a firm grasp of history, it isn't hard to figure out.

Something I've learned by touring the country spreading the message of liberty through music is that people are waking up.  They are finally starting to rumble, like the first tremors before the quake.  The faultline from where this earth-shattering paradigm shift will generate is unstable and the plates are in motion.  Exposed by the pervasive light of truth and liberty is the Great Lie, a labyrinthine maze of false history and subversion woven into our consciousness from birth through generations of complicity and silence.  The brazen arrogance with which the global power structure orchestrates its symphony of psychotic manipulation has finally reached epic proportions, and their pride will be their downfall.  Their illusions would have us believe that we are their slaves, their livestock to be herded, sheered, and led willingly to slaughter with patriotic fervor in our hearts.  For generations they have enjoyed their exploits unchallenged, but thanks to the hurricane that was the Ron Paul r3VOLution replenishing in so many people the love of liberty and inspiring an army of libertarian activists, the liberty movement in America is growing exponentially; despite all concerted efforts to achieve the contrary. 

The road paved with greed and insanity is unsustainable, and breeds immorality.  Ron Paul himself in his farewell address to Congress said that the constitution, intended to limit government power, has failed and that we are an immoral people. A constitutional republican system of government is only as effective at protecting the rights and property of its people as the people consistently demand it to be.  The failure of our forefathers to maintain vigilance and hold government accountable is only partly to blame.  Human nature is also a primary culprit; the universal qualities of man including fear, laziness, complacency, passion, and lust for power. We institute governments to maintain order and protect property rights, but in the process we always end up as slaves to the state.  This is a flaw both in government and man. 

Many of us strive to restore our republic to a former time when it functioned as written; a golden age of liberty following the war for independence.  I question whether an age like this ever existed; if so, it was short lived. Human beings are at war with themselves, and our behavior is predictable.  It seems to me that much of the unhappiness we experience stems from the fact that the vast majority of people never achieve fulfillment of their life's purpose, and our intellectual, spiritual, and emotional development is inevitably stifled, regardless of what system of control we find ourselves unwittingly supporting.  To change our world, we must first change ourselves.  The real revolution starts with the individual, and is sparked by the maddening thirst for truth and self-actualization.  Therefore we must cast off our slavery and reclaim our divine inheritance; the freedom and rights we are born with by virtue of our humanity, which cannot be granted nor removed by any system of government for they are granted by nature, and nature's God.

So how do we create a social situation that enables each person to be free, exercise self-responsibility, and explore their full potential unencumbered by governmental coercion and force, while at the same time preserving their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of property? The answer is full of contradictions, but then, so are human beings.  Human beings create governments in a process as natural as pressure systems colliding causing storms; instituting hierarchies of power is a tendency inherent to our nature.  If people are going to inevitably resort to organizing governments to protect the rights of the people, and governments are always going to resort to monopolizing the use of force to deprive the people of their rights, then we must strive to combat the growth of government by aiming for no government at all. If we engage in social and legislative battle between the ethos of constitutional republicanism and voluntarist anarchism, neither will triumph. But, we will arrive at a minimal level of government that is tolerable in comparison with the outrageous tyranny this country has experienced since we were subjects of King George.  All we can ever truly hope for is balance, and by striving to make government obsolete, we will reign it in to levels generally acceptable to constitutionalists and anarchists alike.

The American Constitution is full of contradictory language and provides opportunity for unlimited growth of government. By using various clauses and loopholes, modern leaders use the constitution to justify outlandish encroachments on our freedoms and to spread empire, ultimately re-inventing the republic into a democratic dictatorship that is the antithesis of what our Founders intended.  We find ourselves today with far more grievances and cause to separate from government than our Founders dreamed. Its tentacles permeate every facet of our lives until we no longer see the crime because it is literally everywhere. Compliance with a system is the source of its power.  Without willing compliance of the people, the state will suffocate under the weight of its own hypocrisy. Waves of civil disobedience will ultimately chip away at the influence of the state, and in the same attrition strategy fascists use to slowly peel away the layers of liberty, so the people will slowly and ultimately opt-out of government and by re-learning to do for themselves, will be free of it. 

As a Christian, there is no political ethos more congruent with my spiritual beliefs than voluntarism.  It advocates self-ownership and non-aggression, which are prime tenets of the teachings of Jesus.  His two exclusive commandments, and the only true requirements for following in His gentle footsteps, are to love God and to love one another. That is my approach.  Jesus Himself recognized existing power structures and routinely and rebelliously spat in their faces, to His death.  He said “Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and unto God what belongs to God” Mark 12:17.  This is the ultimate call for separating oneself from the collective by opting-out of government.   Jesus implies that force and wealth are instruments of controlled society, but you may choose not to participate in it and be left alone to pursue your own happiness. The non-aggression principle mandates respect for others' rights and property, and if violated, warrants a response. If people want to be left alone, they must be left alone, and if they won't be left alone, a defensive response is acceptable and necessary. We passed that point of necessary revolution before my great grandfather's grandfather was born.  What happens next in the tumultuous relationship between the tyrannical state and the populations it oppresses is anyone's guess, but the historical precedent is grim and I fear for my children's futures.

Music has always been an instrumental force in shaping and defining culture, showing us who we are and who we wish to be. In uncertain times such as these, when our country is caught up in multiple armed conflicts around the world, when our economy teeters on the edge of a knife, and the citizenry is clearly divided about how we wish our society to proceed, it becomes necessary for voices of conscience in the arts to reflect our better nature that we may evolve and be better to each other.  I move forward into this new year in a post-Ron Paul America seeking to free people's minds from the great lie by exposing the system for what it is through new original songs on my upcoming album.  I hope it will encourage and inspire my countrymen to be self-reliant, responsible, and to choose kindness and voluntarism to guide their choices. I hope to reach out to our military by performing concerts for the troops, and through the message of liberty, empower them to follow their oath to the constitution and disobey unlawful orders. Most of all I intend to live free in the present moment.  Please join me by raising your voice for what is right, and we may meet down the road more free than when we first began.

“Where the spirit of God is, there is Liberty.” II Corinthians 3:17

Happy New Year America.

Jordan Page
Jordan Page is a young Singer/Songwriter and itinerant musician seeking to mobilize a new generation to stand up for their country and the rights of the individual. Jordan uses his talents to promote a message of peace while educating and mobilizing resistance to tyranny and the erosion of American civil rights. Visit his webpages at JordanPageMusic.Com, Facebook.Com/JordanPageMusic, and LibertyTour.Org

Music has always been an instrumental force in shaping and defining culture, showing us who we are and who we wish to be.  In uncertain times such as these, when our country is caught up in multiple armed conflicts around the world, when our economy teeters on the edge of a knife, and the citizenry is clearly divided about how we wish our society to proceed, it becomes necessary for voices of conscience in the arts to reflect our better nature that we may evolve and be better to each other.  Nowhere is understanding and perspective more necessary than within the ranks of the US military, as a myriad of unconstitutional federal laws threaten to force them to disobey their oaths to uphold and defend the constitution.
The Oath Keepers Liberty Military Base Tour was conceived for this purpose: to provide perspective and constitutional understanding to America’s troops through the vehicle of music.  What this tour seeks to accomplish is to provide a clear picture to our troops of what their oath to defend the constitution really means, and to empower them to do so through peaceful means.  Jordan Page is a champion of liberty and a prominent voice of the peace movement in America.  He will be headlining this tour with his band at venues across the country in close proximity to military bases, in which troops and veterans will receive free admission in thanks for their service.  Stewart Rhodes,former Army paratrooper and founder of Oath Keepers, will speak to the troops at each event and educate them about the dangers of the NDAA, Patriot Act, and many other dangerous legislative assaults on our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. We are currently in the fundraising and planning phase for the tour, and are seeking donations and sponsorships to help with operating costs so that we can plan successful events and offer these concerts to the troops at no cost to them.  We are also trying to raise funds to make it possible to bring more pro-liberty bands to the roster. The first base tour concert date is scheduled for January 18th, 2013 in Ft Hood, TX.
Please contribute generously to: PayPal account "


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