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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

01-15-15 -- Mark Warden - Peter Steinmetz - Pastor Steven Anderson -- (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)

Mark Warden (Real Estate Agent; Free State Project; State Rep NH) comes on the show to to discuss legislative experience (so far) - Dr. Peter Steinmetz talks about being thrown off a flight recently - Pastor Steven Anderson talks about his new video,
Media Type: Audio • Time: 146 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Mark Warden
Topics: TSA

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 146 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Mark Warden

 Hour 1 -- Mark Warden (Real Estate Agent; Free State Project; State Rep NH) comes on the show to to discuss legislative experience (so far)

 Hour 2 -- Dr. Peter Steinmetz talks about being thrown off a flight recently

 Hour 3 -- Pastor Steven Anderson talks about his new video, 'Failure to Obey', which documents his checkpoint stop, where he was beaten, tasered, and jailed for refusing a warrant-less search of his vehicle

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800


January 15th, 2015

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

2015-01-15 Hour 1 Mark Warden (Video Archive):

2015-01-15 Hour 1 Mark Warden from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Mark Warden

Mark Warden is an activist and real estate broker in New Hampshire. He served two terms as a Republican representative in the state legislature and was twice named "Legislator of the Year" by New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. Mark also serves as a volunteer ambassador for Free State Project. He moved from Las Vegas, Nevada to the Granite State in 2007 in search of "Liberty in Our Lifetime."


Hour 2

Topics: TSA

Hour 2

Dr. Peter N. Steinmetz - In Studio

Brain Researcher

Webpage: Steinmetz.Org


TSA thwarts Christmas travel:

Dr. Peter N. Steinmetz discusses how the TSA prevented his flying simply because he asked hisfellow traveler "What are your odds of dying in a terrorist attack?"

Some links to further information:

"How Scared of Terrorism Should We Be?"
"Terror, Security and Money",

Hour 3

Hour 3

2015-01-15 Hour 3 Pastor Steven Anderson (Video Archive):

2015-01-15 Hour 3 Pastor Steven Anderson from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Pastor Steven Anderson - In Studio

Pastor of Faithful Word Baptist Church



"Failure to Obey" Documentary on Checkpoint Refusal (full movie)

Order DVD here:

Or here:

According to current federal law, border patrol agents currently have the authority to stop and conduct searches on vessels, trains, aircraft, or other vehicles anywhere within "a reasonable distance from any external boundary of the United States." This "reasonable distance" is defined as 100 miles from any border, including coastal boundaries.

In this 100-mile zone, the US Border Patrol has claimed certain extra-constitutional powers, such as, claiming the authority to operate inland immigration checkpoints.

In practice, Border Patrol agents routinely ignore or misunderstand the limits of their legal authority, violating the constitutional rights of innocent people. Although the 100-mile border zone is not literally "Constitution-free," it is frequently treated as such by the Border Patrol.

As a result, two-thirds of the U.S. population, or approximately 200 million people, are potentially subject to detention and warrantless searches by Border Patrol agents.

This film documents the story of Pastor Steven Anderson being being beaten, tasered, and jailed for refusing a warrant-less search of his vehicle. The film also covers his trial and subsequent border patrol encounters.

Feature running time - 56 minutes

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