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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

The Orwellian Healthcare Plan to Usher in New Police State in America

• PR Inside
The current Health Bill (House bill H.R. 3200) has mental health parity as part of its Health Plan. This parity is set to provide equal opportunity for non-science psychiatry to be equivalent to a medical doctor’s scientific opinion on health. San Francisco, CA, August 17, 2009 -- Psychiatric patients are traditionally considered “cured” when their insurance benefits run out. In the upcoming bill “Healthy Americans Act, the compensation to psychiatry will not run out. All the psychiatrist has to do is forward their unscientific opinion on whether a patient is cured or not. The legislation is essentially a multi billion dollar taxpayer fund to psychiatrists. Psychiatry’s only remedy is mass psychotropic drugging. It used to be electric shock treatment, lobotomies, and straitjackets, but they found big allies with Pharmaceutical companies, the FDA and now Congress......