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IPFS News Link • New World Order

Time to Get Local...Assemblies Taking Hold

• Jim Palmisano
John Stadtmiller of Republic Broadcasting Network probably aired his most important "Intel Report" on Thursday, July 15, 2010. His guests, Joyce Rosenwald and Peter Niece, discussed the true history of what has happened to our country. This show got such a great response from the audience that Mr. Stadtmiller has decided to make them permanent guests on his show every Wednesday night from 4-6pm Central. The importance of this information is it is informing the People with the same information that the Assemblies are using to educate the populace. We know the problem(s) and we have the solution. Go to and watch the powerpoint "Foundations of Freedom". Listen in to the Judges Conferences(link on the left) and start Assembling. Go to and get connected to those in your area. The time is now! We will re-populate the Republic. The Republic did not go away. We the People walked away from it. It's time to come back! Gods