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IPFS News Link • Police State

Keene Cops Assault, Kidnap Man for Wearing Hat


Pete is refusing to provide his name and to willfully proceed with the booking process, and why should he – his actions never harmed anyone, I’m not sure when he’ll be released or how long they can ‘legally’ hold him. I encourage you to pass this post around the webs and to continue calling both the jail and the Keene Police station. Demand, politely, that they release the John Doe who was arrested for wearing a hat in a public building. This has worked in the past and every time we get more effective.


Make a phone call.

The Cheshire Co Jail where Pete is being held: 603.903.1600

Keene Police 603.357.9813

Two officers in video attacking Pete

James Cemorelis (full uniform, possible Sgt) – Number above + extension 7117 (email: and Matt Griffin (grey shirt) extension 7182

Join the FREE PETE page on FB

I hope the call floods to those who are responsible for initiation of force continue until Pete is released. I’ll be attempting to get interviews from police and jailers alike over the next few days or until they release Pete. If you can, please take video of audio of your call and post updates here or on Facebook. Hopefully Pete will be free soon.