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IPFS News Link • Japan - Earthquake Tsunami Radiation

Aerial photos taken over Japan have revealed the scale of devastation

Hover over each satellite photo to view the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami.
See before and after photos
Sendai Airport
 over the image to toggle before/after
Arahama in Sendai
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Fujitsuka in Sendai
er the image to toggle before/after
Yuriage in Natori
ver the image to toggle before/after
Yuriage in Natori (looking west)
over the image to toggle before/after
Fukushima nuclear plant
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Kashimaku in Minamisoma
er the image to toggle before/after
Kashima in Minamisoma
er over the image to toggle before/after
Haranomachi in Minamisoma
ver the image to toggle before/after
Ishinomaki in Miyagi
r over the image to toggle before/after
Iigohama in Miyagi (Oshika Peninsula)
over the image to toggle before/after
Yagawahama in Miyagi (Oshika Peninsula)