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IPFS News Link • Social Security

Look! Presidential Economic Terrorism!

Gee, this is an old movie from the Bush era, isn't it? "I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it," Mr. Obama said in an interview with CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley, according to excerpts released by CBS News. The disgusting part of this "interview" is that there's no follow-up with the obvious question: Why is it that you blew all the Social Security and Medicare tax revenue you took in, and thus are unable to pay the Social Security checks? What you have is a President who has admitted to kiting checks and then borrowing to cover up the theft that previously occurred in the Treasury Department. Oh, it's legal kiting, since the government is doing it, but it is, in fact, check kiting. The culpable party if you don't get your check?