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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Paul's story changes on racial comments

• USA Today
Rep. Ron Paul has tried since 2001 to disavow racist and incendiary language published in Texas newsletters that bore his name, denying he wrote them and even walking out of an interview on CNN Wednesday.

5 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Some of the greatest racists (and hypocrites) around are in Government. They are constantly using racial profiling in many different ways for determining the best areas of the country for all kinds of things, including campaigning.

The race called "politicians" has always been among the largest group of racial racists around.

Comment by Ufactdirt
Entered on:

Oh, Ooo, Ad Hominem coming! It is hard to argue against those issues against Ron Paul. This is dirt to his supporters. It is easier for his die-hard herd to just throw dirt on your person JV than argue the issues you brought up in your "wake-up call". Just wait and watch … then tell me if I am wrong!

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

But what’s the point? GOP will never make him a candidate for president anyway, anytime in any presidential election year, no matter what. Americans believe he is just a grumpy politician with a fatal attraction to the limelight that he would say anything anybody wants him to say to print a story.

He can even say that by studying Medicine one can become an economic expert, much better than Dr. Bernanke who is holding a Ph.D. in Economics that Americans should listen to!

What he is saying doesn’t mean a thing to him, even when he says Muslim terrorists were right in staging that 911 carnage or Osama bin Laden is right when this Public Enemy No. 1 said America is so evil it should be bombed for interfering on Islam’s affairs in the Middle East! Saying that in front of the camera is of course horrible, but it is a heck of a banner story he could hardly resist.

The point is, even if he changes his story anytime he wants to get to the front page, it’s okay, he is going to do it. If the story is unfavorable, like this one when he is pictured as a split-tongued politician, he can always say that’s not what he said, depending on what his mood is for the day.

Who are really listening to him, let us be honest to ourselves. Nobody listens but the very angry in this website, the ones who are using him to promote their anti-government agenda! Include those in the bayou who would spread Salmonella, E. Coli and Listeria epidemic for the freedom to drink raw milk or those who would shoot all cops dead in the name of liberty and freedom, just like what this notorious loony said, this familiar guy in the Web and in this website who hated the IRS after he was arrested for tax evasion.

Nothing personal here … just a wake-up call to reality.

Comment by Joseph Vanderville
Entered on:

But what’s the point? GOP will never make him a candidate for president anyway, anytime in any presidential election year, no matter what. Americans believe he is just a grumpy politician with a fatal attraction to the limelight that he would say anything anybody wants him to say to print a story.


He can even say that by studying Medicine one can become an economic expert, much better than Dr. Bernanke who is holding a Ph.D. in Economics that Americans should listen to!


What he is saying doesn’t mean a thing to him, even when he says Muslim terrorists were right in staging that 911 carnage or Osama bin Laden is right when this Public Enemy No. 1 said America is so evil it should be bombed for interfering on Islam’s affairs in the Middle East! Saying that in front of the camera is of course horrible, but it is a heck of a banner story he could hardly resist.


The point is, even if he changes his story anytime he wants to get to the front page, it’s okay, he is going to do it.  If the story is unfavorable, like this one when he is pictured as a split-tongued politician, he can always say that’s not what he said, depending on what his mood is for the day.


Who are really listening to him, let us be honest to ourselves. Nobody listens but the very angry in this website, the ones who are using him to promote their anti-government agenda! Include those in the bayou who would spread Salmonella, E. Coli and Listeria epidemic for the freedom to drink raw milk or those who would shoot all cops dead in the name of liberty and freedom, just like what this notorious loony said, this familiar guy in the Web and in this website who hated the IRS after he was arrested for tax evasion.


Nothing personal here … just a wake-up call to reality.



Comment by LoveMyBrushes
Entered on:

He did not change his story.  He did not change his story at all.  This man does not have a racist bone in his body.  He is plain spoken, straight forward.  All he is calling for is equal justice under the law.  Please, somebody, if you can explain to me how that is racist.