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IPFS News Link • Boston Marathon Bombing

Fox newsman Ben Swann asks if Boston was FBI entrapment gone wrong

•, by Sue4theBillofrights
  Remember Lawrence Harvey in the all-time classic The Manchurian Candidate? Deprogramming the sheeple is a delicate business. Go too fast, and you blow a fuse. This one is an important step, from entrapment to complicity, easy does it.

Fox newsman Ben Swann asks if Boston was FBI entrapment gone awry

The host of the popular news program Reality Check has asked if the Second Boston Massacre, as it is coming to be known, was a case of FBI entrapment which followed a tragic path similar to the known entrapment case of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

In the 1993 bombing, an Egyptian informant captured FBI agents on hundreds of hours of tape discussing the luring of suspects into a plot which would eventually kill six people and injure thousands. The FBI's plan was to substitute a harmless black powder for gunpowder, but somehow the FBI, in the informant's words, "messed up." The taped evidence was never allowed into the trial of the conspirators....
