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IPFS News Link • Boston Marathon Bombing

The Boston Bombing, the CIA, and the US Empire

 ROCKWELL:  Well, good morning.  This is the Lew Rockwell Show, and it’s great to have as our guest this morning, Mrs. Sibel Edmonds.  You know, we have a lot of great people on this show. 
We have just a lot of tremendous intellectuals for freedom and people exposing the CIA and other government activities, but Sibel’s a heroine as well as being an important intellectual figure.  She was a translator for the FBI.  She’s fluent, of course, in English and Turkish and Farsi and Azerbaijani.  And she got punished for telling the truth within the FBI.  They silenced her for quite a long time.  But she wouldn’t allow herself to be silenced.  She told the truth about what she discovered about various aspects of 9/11, and it’s in her wonderful memoir, Classified Woman.  And we’re, of course, going to link to that.  We’re going to link to all her sites.  She’s director of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition.  We’ll link to her site, Boiling Frogs, and to her YouTube channel, her Facebook page, Twitter and everything else.