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IPFS News Link • TAXES: Federal

So THAT’S Why We Have an Income Tax

• Lew Rockwell blog
“World War I would eventually cost the United States $50 billion.  The federal budget grew from $742 million in 1916 to nearly $14 billion in 1918.  The income tax [adopted in 1913] was needed to finance that explosion....

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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The only way anyone will truly beat the income tax is to show that it is unconstitutional.

The only way to show that it is unconstitutional is to look at intent.

The argument will be that the income tax is really an excise tax, even though it uses the measure of a person's income to determine the amount of the tax. And as an excise tax, it is entirely allowed by the Constitution.

Because this excise tax is measured by the amount of income a person makes, it is in no practical way different than a true income tax. So, in essence it really is an income tax - a poll tax - which is constitutionally illegal.

It was the intent of the framers of the income tax, to couch the income tax in words that would make it look like income taxes are legal. At the same time, they would make it a legal tax in the letter of the law by making it an excise tax while only calling it an income tax.

A pile of s*** by any other name stinks just as foully. The intent was to play a legal game that one could not easily get around. The intent was to push it into long-term use so that precedent would be set. The intent was to steal not only the wealth from the people, but the nation as well.

The spirit of the Constitution is that there be no poll tax, no income tax. The letter of the law is illegal without the spirit of the law corroborating it.
