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Crypto Scratch Cards

• CryptoScratchCards.Com
About Prypto

Prypto has been established to enhance and expand the Crypto Currency marketplace of today. Giving consumers direct access to obtain crypto currencies with ease. Also to create partnerships with retail, gaming and financial organisations to bring a direct marketplace to the consumer through our simplistic solutions.

Our first product is using Crypto Scratch Cards to allow consumers to feel a physical item with crypto currencies then redeem the Prypto Codes available on the Crypto Scratch Cards either via a dedicated web site or directly on accepting Merchant web sites. Prypto Codes

The Code that is printed on each Crypto Scratch Card will be referred to as a Prypto Code, and each Crypto Scratch Card will have these covered for the consumer to scratch off.

Prypto controls a database of the Prypto Codes that will have them to be pre-printed on ScratchCards ready to distribution when required by Resellers.

Each ScratchCard will have an exposed reference number on it that will be used by Prypto to allow verification of the Prypto Code related to that ScratchCard if there was ever a dispute.

We will also offer Prypto Codes to be valid without physical ScratchCards which can be printed directly via the reseller account, to be printed for use at a later date, using QR codes and plain text.

Prypto for the Consumer

Through the means of consumers will be able to redeem Prypto Codes directly to any destination wallet of choice.

Or use the Prypto Code directly on a Merchant web site to credit their balance.

View initial range of Crypto Scratch Cards

Prypto for the Merchant

By accepting Prypto Codes on your web site, you are instantly opening the door to new customers who will be introduced to Crypto Currencies by Prypto Products.

The ease of entering in a code for the consumer is second nature, as we are all used to this type of deposit method with for example: Mobile Phones.

Visit our Merchant area for more information.


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