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IPFS News Link • Bitcoin

The Only Bitcoin Wallet Approved for the iPhone

•, By Robert McMillan

 Over the weekend, Apple approved the first bitcoin wallet app since it announced, earlier this month, that it was going to change policy and permit bitcoin wallets in its App Store. Before then, it had been a rocky ride for folks who wanted to send and receive bitcoins on their iPhones. Over the past year, Apple dropped popular wallet apps such as Blockchain and Coinbase from the App Store–without explaining why.

The first approved app is called CoinPocket, and it was built by Michael Enriquez, an independent software developer based in Cleveland. He's looking for work in the bitcoin world and calls his app a bit of a "resume-builder." Back in March, he wrote a Web-based version of CoinPocket that could send and receive bitcoins on the iPhone. Then, two weeks ago, when Apple reversed course and suddenly said it would be OK with virtual currencies, Enriquez decided to build a full-fledged iOS app. He submitted CoinPocket for approval the next day, apparently getting the jump on much more popular wallet software.