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IPFS News Link • NeoCons

NYT Revamps Its False Ukraine Narrative


It's always interesting when the New York Times promotes a false narrative – as it has on Ukraine by blaming the crisis all on "Russian aggression" – and then has to shift its storyline when events move in a different direction, like President Vladimir Putin's recent peacemaking initiatives.

On Thursday, the Times explained Putin's call for an extended ceasefire as a case of him caving in to U.S. pressure. Correspondents Andrew Roth and David S. Herszenhorn wrote:

"Faced with the threat of additional economic sanctions from Washington, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia discussed an extension of the cease-fire, which is to expire on Friday, in a telephone call with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President François Hollande of France and Ukraine's new president, Petro O. Poroshenko."