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IPFS News Link • Economy - International

Scathing Anti-West Editorial in German Handelsblatt...

Having no details other than it was a"must read" I failed to locate the article after attempting translations of the Handelsblatt home page.

Zero Hedge did find the article, entitled "West on the Wrong Path".

It turns out, there is a version of the editorial in German, English, and Russian.

Citing parallels to WWI, author Gabor Steingart, publisher of Handelsblatt, Germany's leading financial newspaper, blasts the Western response (especially US and German) response to the situation in Ukraine.

"Small Price to Pay" vs. "West on the Wrong Path"
Interestingly, Steingart's article is nearly identical in tone and message to my article "Small Price to Pay".

Steingart kicks off with "Every war is accompanied by a kind of mental mobilization: war fever. Even smart people are not immune to controlled bouts of this fever."

Steingart is precisely correct. The War in Vietnam, and the War in Iraq are cases in point. Both were based on lies, distortions, gross underplay of risks, and gross overplay of concerns.

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