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IPFS News Link • How To

How and Why to Improve Your Cursive Penmanship

• and Kate McKay

Perhaps it's because we've all seen movies set in times past where people open up handwritten letters to reveal a note filled with handsome script.

Whatever the reason, I know a common refrain we hear with these posts is that many people feel their cursive handwriting is atrocious, to the point that it's illegible. And when we get letters in the mail from readers, many of them begin with, "Sorry for my bad handwriting. This is the first time I've written in cursive since second grade."

With schools spending less and less time on cursive handwriting (and sometimes doing away with penmanship lessons altogether), and our increased reliance on keyboards to communicate, it's understandable that most people aren't getting much practice writing things out by hand.

It's easy then to dismiss the decline in penmanship as a non-problem, but there are a surprising number of people who do wish their handwriting was better. And there actually are a few reasons you might consider joining their ranks. Today we'll discuss those reasons, as well as how to improve your cursive penmanship.

Get out your inkwell, sharpen your quill, and let's get started.