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The Islamic State (ISIS) and Its "State Sponsors" Must Be Indicted for "Crimes agains

• Global Research

International media has been actively discussing the recent publication of the British edition of Mirror Online featuring shocking footage of Islamic State (ISIL) militants gunning down a total of 200 children, with their hands tied behind their backs.

It should be noted that it is not the first time that militants executed their captives, but such massive public executions haven't yet been published on the Internet. Although there's no way to establish the veracity of the footage, it's but one case in a series of documented violence and criminal activities of the terrorist "Islamic State." It is this very group that is not ashamed of its twisted fantasies of abusing and killing civilians, which also tries to establish prominence through these very acts of violence.

ISIL militants have repeatedly uploaded footage of executions of their prisoners on the Internet. In some of those videos, captives are run over by a tank, or dragged behind a speeding car, some victims were burned alive, blown up, beheaded or had their throats cut. It's clear that we are witnessing a barbaric rendition of the Nazi's atrocities, even a bold attempt to surpass them.

The same uncontrolled violence has been applied to those ISIL militants that have fled the field of battle, as was the case with the recent execution of deserters in the northeastern Iraqi city of Baiji.

ISIS savages gun down 200 Syrian children in mass execution

Vile: ISIS savages have reportedly gunned down 200 Syrian children in a mass execution (Source Mirror)


There's little doubt that the so-called Islamic State, a self-proclaimed, unrecognized quasi-state with its Sharia "capital" in the occupied Syrian city of Raqqa, is one of the most significant threats to global security. In just three years these terrorists have managed to capture vast areas in Iraq and Syria. In addition, they've been trying to expand their influence into the countries of North Africa, namely in Libya, Central Asia, the Caucasus and other regions. According to various estimates, in June 2015, the Islamic State occupied the territory of some 300,000 square kilometers with a population of around 8 million people, mainly composed of Sunnis. Back in May of this year ISIL controlled 50% of Syria's territory and 40% of Iraq's territory.

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