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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

The Tattered Rag We Call Our Social Fabric


Here we go again. Another mass shooting incident. And, also again, here go the usual calls to ban this or that firearm or enact more hoops to jump through to buy one. I said in a previous article here that the reason these mass murder events take place is because violence is taught to society as a solution for any problem. I stand by that observation. I say it is being proven each time one of these events takes place.

First of all, the social fabric is coming unraveled. Now, by social fabric, I mean a set of values and morals that guide the society into what is right and what is good. Further to that is a set of taboos that tell a society what is wrong and what is bad. No society on the face of this planet could survive for long without these precepts for behavior. Or, they did not survive for long once these precepts were discarded or annulled or compromised. This walks hand-in-hand with the fact that our society teaches violence as a solution. Why? Because instead of being a taboo, as it once was in the past, senseless violence has now become a positive social value. What? You haven't noticed that?

Allow me to explain. In the past, violence in entertainment venues was always conducted along certain parameters such as "good guy" and "bad guy". The "good guy" used only as much violence as was necessary to subdue the "bad guy" and then restrained himself. He did not fly over the city the "bad guy" lived in and carpet bomb the entire population to get that one guy. But now we have seen the rise in the so-called "anti-hero" where the lines between "good guys" and "bad guys" are not just blurred, but virtually indistinguishable. The heroes in today's entertainment media can be drug dealers, hitmen, serial killers, dirty cops, and war criminals. Also, other formerly taboo things such as adultery, lying, stealing, and fraud are now entering into being social values that are applauded provided one gets away with them. It isn't that our society is amoral, it is that our society is reversing morality.

Enter into this equation the government. There is a reason that throughout history, "leaders" are called "leaders". They often set the ethical tone for an entire nation. Hence, you had events such as Nazi Germany where an entire nation went along with the false morality presented by one man that was their leader. Therefore, what happens when the United States government does the following: Starts wars based on lies and fraud. Bombs and kills innocent people to "get" one or two men. Presents violence as the only solution to a crisis, rather than diplomacy. Offers violence against other nations as "campaign promises". Cannot speak in the positive ("Good things we plan to do") rather than the constant negative ("People we plan to kill"). Now then, what happens when you have a few generations that are raised with this type of leadership and then also teach it to their children on top of the government and entertainment media doing that?

We have generations now that have been raised with constant violence and there is not a moral compass to be had in this maelstrom of violence we call a "society". I daresay there hasn't been a bloodier civilization overall that has lasted this long since the Roman Empire of Caligula and Nero. I am talking about a Western nation that is allegedly "civilized" and supposedly knows better. Yet, it conducts gladiatorials daily on its television and its foreign policy. Dare anyone bring up the word "morality", then people are offended and imagine it means being forced to attend church or something along those lines. But what people forget is that without morals and values, no laws can ever be effective. It is a moral person who follows laws because he knows those are precepts that are part of a society's moral fabric. Sure, you can go ahead and ban every gun in America and the next mass murderer will move right along to a machete. Why? Because you have not addressed the true disease which is violence. Because violence has entered into society as a positive value and is no longer a negative one. In fact, restraint from violence is now looked upon as a negative thing because it is perceived as "weakness". Rather like the Romans, which is why they held gladiatorials in the first place.