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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Watch -- Bad Ass Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell Brings Down The House: "Your War Is Here…

• DC Clothesline

Elite Navy SEAL operator Marcus Luttrel, whose courage and that of his unit are depicted in the movie Lone Survivor, delivers a rousing speech to the GOP convention in Cleveland Monday night.

At one point Luttrel appears to get slightly perturbed with the teleprompter, to which he says "I'm so used to speaking from the heart that when I have to read this it goes wrong, so I'm just gonna go."

The only way we survive this is together… in order for any life to matter, we all have to matter…


To the next generation… your war is here… you don't have to go searching for it… your people are afraid…

Who among you will love something more than you love yourself?

Who among you are going to step up and take the fight to the enemy, because it's here?

… The world outside of our borders is a dark place… a scary place…  and America is the light.

Watch as Luttrel brings down the house with his thoughts on America, caring for our veterans, politician accountability and what it means to be a Patriot: