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IPFS News Link • Police State

Crimes of Our Rulers

• by Becky Akers

At first blush, allowing 22,800 infractions in 4 years doesn't seem too alarming, given that even the most innocuous behavior is illegal now. I'll break the law at least three times today without even trying, and so will you.

But we're talking actual crimes here against people and property, not such silly offenses as digging ponds on your own land. For example, "an FBI informant was responsible for facilitating the 2011 breach of Stratfor in one of the most high-profile cyberattacks of the last decade. While a handful of informants ultimately brought down the principal hacker responsible, the sting also caused Stratfor, an American intelligence firm, millions of dollars in damages and left an estimated 700,000 credit card holders vulnerable to fraud."

I'm not sure which is more damning, the perils Our Rulers unleash against us or their justification for so unconscionably jeopardizing us: "'Most crime 'requires mens rea,' says [Michael] German [a former undercover agent with the FBI who researches national security law at the Brennan Center for Justice], meaning criminal intent. 'If I'm committing this activity that would otherwise be criminal, but I'm not doing it for a criminal purpose, I'm doing it for a law enforcement purpose, it really isn't criminal activity after all.'"