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IPFS News Link • United Kingdom

Upcoming British Legislation Could Jail Journos for 14 Years

•, Daily Bell Staff

The proposed law update is an attempt to ban reporting of future big data leaks.  The British government has received recommendations for a "future-proofed" new Espionage Act that would put leaking and whistleblowing in the same category as spying for foreign powers.  That threatens leakers and journalists with the same extended jail sentences as foreign agents. Sentences would apply even if – like Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning – the leaker was not British, or in Britain, or was intent on acting in the public interest. – The Register

Britain is doing one of the things it does best, which is thinking of how to punish people. Now it's figuring out ways to throw more people in jail for longer periods of time for exposing various kinds of government crimes.

That's right. It's not thinking about lessening those crimes, only covering them up.

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